Just what I needed
I love technology. But I tend to approach it like a bull in a china shop. I dive in with great enthusiam, not knowing what I'm doing, and naturally, I have made a lot of mistakes along the way. What I absolutely love about this training, is that I'm learning the "why", not just the "how to". It's moderately paced, it's methodical, and it's so very easy to follow. I am still in the Level 1 phase and while I"m tempted to jump ahead - as I normally do - I'm finding such great value in learning the "why", step-by-step. That's all for now. More later, when I have completed the training and have an awesome website to share.
Recent Comments
Great to hear you love the training - and you are following it in sequence (yes I know - it is very tempting to skip ahead ;) but like one of the lines in one of my favorite movies;
"You can think about it, but don't do it!"
I wish you all the best as you continue learning and as you build your site and your business. I look forward to reading your next post and update.
Best regards,
L.D. Sewell
Don't jump ahead just follow the lessons in the sequence they are presented and you will be much better served.
I do understand. I'm new at this adventure and was very scared to get involved with this program. Didn't have a clue as to what this was about. Just took a leap and went with it!. I'm learning a great deal of information while working from home. Trying to multitask several things due to this COVID-19, and has proven to myself that I can do it! So, good luck in your journey and look forward to seeing your awesome website. Take care