About CliffMP
Rank 380526
303 followers Joined February 2008
Back to Wealthy Affiliate after a couple of years of being away. Got my start here back in '08. Have been on and off in





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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

This is a great place for beginners... no doubt.. but I just cannot wrap my head around so many beginners do 'training's.... It's true that so so many newbies here are not mak

To answer this I have liked Joshua0853's comment written in detail.

Really sorry to see ya go. If those are your true feelings, I guess another place may fit you better. I can't think of one. Start your own and test qualifications to be a member. Get back to us and let us know when we are qualified to join and maybe an introductory, then mid-way there and advanced services will be created.

Cliff, there is one other thing that has occurred to me. I get the sense that you believe that many "newbies" will be putting up worthless training tutorials just as a matter of course. I don't see that at all. I think that anyone thinking about developing a training session will do so because they believe thay have something to contribute. As I said before, although some of the training (including mine) may not meet "professional" standards, I have yet to find one that did not offer value to the community.

I am fortunate to have had some teaching experience in my background, and there is a universal truism that most educators agree with: "Students can grasp concepts much better when they can teach them to others." I think that is part of what Kyle and Carson had in mind when they structured things the way they have.

Every member of WA has something that he or she can contribute to the community in the way of training. It does not have to pertain exactly to online marketing, or SEO, or niches, or bulding websites, or any of the things that we joined WA to learn how to do. How about a training session on how to motivate oneself when the going gets tough? Isn't that valid as well? Does one have to be an "experienced IMer" to put that training together? The answer is a resounding, "NO!"

I'm sorry, but the more I think about your "concerns" about newbies doing training sessions, the more baffled I become. The main thing that has me stumped is why it would cause you (or anyone) to leave. When I compare that one issue (a "con" in your estimation) with all the "pros", it's still a no-brainer to me. Just disregard all the "newbie" training and benefit from the rest.


Neither poster nor commenter still active in community. Closing with this comment.

Hi there cliffmb. I can understand your point. I am also one of the newbies. Can you remember what it was like when your were a raw student, I wonder? Maybe not.
Perhaps you might consider disregarding the information that is vital for a lot of us.
If you already know...... brilliant! Im delighted for you! I wish I was at your level. But at the moment, I am doing my very best here. Its about growing in confidence also. And if some of us lesser members are holding you back....... well all I can say is sorry.
But WA is for everyone. Not just one person. Never ever forget where you came from.
Not everybody is at your level yet. I wish you continued success. Kind regards, judy

Rhetorical question - closing out after three years with comment.

Hello CliffMP. I can understand your concern about this because I had similar misgivings in the beginning. However, several things caused me to rethink my position:

First, I reviewed Kyle's training session outlining the rationale behind it:
(please check that out).

Next, I realized that many members brought expertise to the table that could be of benefit to others within the community. Why waste that expertise? If we had to rely solely on Kyle, Carson, and a handful of "experts" to provide ALL the training, the amount of good, useful information available to members in WA would suffer.

Next, I looked at many of the training tutorials produced by members. Although some of it is not what the average person would consider "professional", all of it has value. Also, remember that we are a "community" of like-minded entrepreneurs focused on building our own businesses while helping others build theirs. There is something profound about that concept within WA because, although I have heard it stated countless times elsewhere, the members at WA take it to heart.

Finally, from your own WA page, you state:

"I think I've been the full route and have found my way back to my IM roots. I always like to have an IM home base, and it looks Kyle and Carson have done some fantastic work here over the last couple of years.... I congratulate them..... see you around WA and 'best of 'desire' to everyone'.

I agree with you. They have done some "fantastic work" with WA. Don't you think they thought this aspect of WA through as well?

Like all members, you own your own business and are free to accept or discard anything offered here. Personally, I think your business would be much better off if you considered all voices within WA having a viable message—yes, even someone like me who has been a member for one month. However, if you find the information to be lacking, I think it is within your right to point that out—tactfully, of course.

More than anything, Wealthy Affiliate is a training laboratory where all instructors began as students and all students can become instructors. WA provides a supportive, structured environment for that to occur. There is something comforting about that.

Please don't leave because of this one issue. It really does not make sense to do so. Anyway, that's my take on it. Hope to see you around the community.


This is so well said, some times newbies speak better to newbie. and there is a lot of training here for the experienced as well

Best wishes

so long as you pass something valuable onto those newer than yourself, it makes sense. Anyways training ranks in the search engines, possibly leading to affiliate sales for the creator.

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Well it's time to leave .... 'again'...

Well it's time to leave .... 'again'...

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

This is a great place for beginners... no doubt.. but I just cannot wrap my head around so many beginners do 'training's.... It's true that so so many newbies here are not mak

To answer this I have liked Joshua0853's comment written in detail.

Really sorry to see ya go. If those are your true feelings, I guess another place may fit you better. I can't think of one. Start your own and test qualifications to be a member. Get back to us and let us know when we are qualified to join and maybe an introductory, then mid-way there and advanced services will be created.

Cliff, there is one other thing that has occurred to me. I get the sense that you believe that many "newbies" will be putting up worthless training tutorials just as a matter of course. I don't see that at all. I think that anyone thinking about developing a training session will do so because they believe thay have something to contribute. As I said before, although some of the training (including mine) may not meet "professional" standards, I have yet to find one that did not offer value to the community.

I am fortunate to have had some teaching experience in my background, and there is a universal truism that most educators agree with: "Students can grasp concepts much better when they can teach them to others." I think that is part of what Kyle and Carson had in mind when they structured things the way they have.

Every member of WA has something that he or she can contribute to the community in the way of training. It does not have to pertain exactly to online marketing, or SEO, or niches, or bulding websites, or any of the things that we joined WA to learn how to do. How about a training session on how to motivate oneself when the going gets tough? Isn't that valid as well? Does one have to be an "experienced IMer" to put that training together? The answer is a resounding, "NO!"

I'm sorry, but the more I think about your "concerns" about newbies doing training sessions, the more baffled I become. The main thing that has me stumped is why it would cause you (or anyone) to leave. When I compare that one issue (a "con" in your estimation) with all the "pros", it's still a no-brainer to me. Just disregard all the "newbie" training and benefit from the rest.


Neither poster nor commenter still active in community. Closing with this comment.

Hi there cliffmb. I can understand your point. I am also one of the newbies. Can you remember what it was like when your were a raw student, I wonder? Maybe not.
Perhaps you might consider disregarding the information that is vital for a lot of us.
If you already know...... brilliant! Im delighted for you! I wish I was at your level. But at the moment, I am doing my very best here. Its about growing in confidence also. And if some of us lesser members are holding you back....... well all I can say is sorry.
But WA is for everyone. Not just one person. Never ever forget where you came from.
Not everybody is at your level yet. I wish you continued success. Kind regards, judy

Rhetorical question - closing out after three years with comment.

Hello CliffMP. I can understand your concern about this because I had similar misgivings in the beginning. However, several things caused me to rethink my position:

First, I reviewed Kyle's training session outlining the rationale behind it:
(please check that out).

Next, I realized that many members brought expertise to the table that could be of benefit to others within the community. Why waste that expertise? If we had to rely solely on Kyle, Carson, and a handful of "experts" to provide ALL the training, the amount of good, useful information available to members in WA would suffer.

Next, I looked at many of the training tutorials produced by members. Although some of it is not what the average person would consider "professional", all of it has value. Also, remember that we are a "community" of like-minded entrepreneurs focused on building our own businesses while helping others build theirs. There is something profound about that concept within WA because, although I have heard it stated countless times elsewhere, the members at WA take it to heart.

Finally, from your own WA page, you state:

"I think I've been the full route and have found my way back to my IM roots. I always like to have an IM home base, and it looks Kyle and Carson have done some fantastic work here over the last couple of years.... I congratulate them..... see you around WA and 'best of 'desire' to everyone'.

I agree with you. They have done some "fantastic work" with WA. Don't you think they thought this aspect of WA through as well?

Like all members, you own your own business and are free to accept or discard anything offered here. Personally, I think your business would be much better off if you considered all voices within WA having a viable message—yes, even someone like me who has been a member for one month. However, if you find the information to be lacking, I think it is within your right to point that out—tactfully, of course.

More than anything, Wealthy Affiliate is a training laboratory where all instructors began as students and all students can become instructors. WA provides a supportive, structured environment for that to occur. There is something comforting about that.

Please don't leave because of this one issue. It really does not make sense to do so. Anyway, that's my take on it. Hope to see you around the community.


This is so well said, some times newbies speak better to newbie. and there is a lot of training here for the experienced as well

Best wishes

so long as you pass something valuable onto those newer than yourself, it makes sense. Anyways training ranks in the search engines, possibly leading to affiliate sales for the creator.

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asked in
Getting Started

I noticed many beginner websites and it's fantastic that everyone is learning and getting better each day.... One thing struck me though—and that would be that many times the '<

Fonts can make a big difference. Personally, when I visit a page with a font or a color of font that I find difficult to read, I just leave. The same goes for lots of people.

The biggest mistake I see people making is using white font on a black background. If you look at any successful site online, they do not use these scheme. Black (and a normal) font on a white background tends to convert the best.

Cool video too, it exemplifies how font can truly make a difference!

Is Design (Specifically Font Choice) Important?  Watch This Video

Is Design (Specifically Font Choice) Important? Watch This Video

asked in
Getting Started

I noticed many beginner websites and it's fantastic that everyone is learning and getting better each day.... One thing struck me though—and that would be that many times the '<

Fonts can make a big difference. Personally, when I visit a page with a font or a color of font that I find difficult to read, I just leave. The same goes for lots of people.

The biggest mistake I see people making is using white font on a black background. If you look at any successful site online, they do not use these scheme. Black (and a normal) font on a white background tends to convert the best.

Cool video too, it exemplifies how font can truly make a difference!

asked in
Getting Started

I'm just curious. I keep seeing 'new training added'. It seems that most of this training is coming from 'members' of WA. If I'm correct, is it that 'anyone' can put a a 'traini

BTW.... WA is definitely the 'overall' best membership training that out there... Unfortunately I've dabbled in most, and have now settled here for my IM hub.... LOL
Will be adding WA to my promotional endeavors soon.

thanks again.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, glad you are enjoying yourself here within the community!

Thanks Kyle.... appreciate your taking the time. Cya around.

No problem :)

Yes, people from the community (as well as us) contribute training here at Wealthy Affiliate. Any Premium member can add training.

One person cannot know everything and having MANY people sharing different techniques and strategies gives a very diverse set of training which is only a good thing!

Kyle... thanks for the reply. Are the trainings first reviewed by you or C.? How can one know if a training put up by 'anyone' is valid? Not complaining mind you. Absolutely love WA and after taking some sideroads found myself back. But...

I just can't wrap my head around that 'anyone' can put up a training.... it isn't it possible that someone can put up a training that could be misleading... NO? (unintentionally)

What I'm asking is.... well, I guess I know the answer... just use them as an addendum to the 'official' training and see what gels so-to-speak. Yes? No?

Thanks again.


People have their own perspectives, stories and experiences. We do moderate the training that is added (for quality) though to make sure it is up to par. So yes, we do remove training all the time that is misleading or that is promotional all. People that create training typically have vast experience in that subject area and the core training programs are created by use (OEC & Bootcamp)

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New Training

New Training

asked in
Getting Started

I'm just curious. I keep seeing 'new training added'. It seems that most of this training is coming from 'members' of WA. If I'm correct, is it that 'anyone' can put a a 'traini

BTW.... WA is definitely the 'overall' best membership training that out there... Unfortunately I've dabbled in most, and have now settled here for my IM hub.... LOL
Will be adding WA to my promotional endeavors soon.

thanks again.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, glad you are enjoying yourself here within the community!

Thanks Kyle.... appreciate your taking the time. Cya around.

No problem :)

Yes, people from the community (as well as us) contribute training here at Wealthy Affiliate. Any Premium member can add training.

One person cannot know everything and having MANY people sharing different techniques and strategies gives a very diverse set of training which is only a good thing!

Kyle... thanks for the reply. Are the trainings first reviewed by you or C.? How can one know if a training put up by 'anyone' is valid? Not complaining mind you. Absolutely love WA and after taking some sideroads found myself back. But...

I just can't wrap my head around that 'anyone' can put up a training.... it isn't it possible that someone can put up a training that could be misleading... NO? (unintentionally)

What I'm asking is.... well, I guess I know the answer... just use them as an addendum to the 'official' training and see what gels so-to-speak. Yes? No?

Thanks again.


People have their own perspectives, stories and experiences. We do moderate the training that is added (for quality) though to make sure it is up to par. So yes, we do remove training all the time that is misleading or that is promotional all. People that create training typically have vast experience in that subject area and the core training programs are created by use (OEC & Bootcamp)

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