Setting Up a Profit Ready Website (Beginner's Guide)
by TimMcKinlay

There are a lot of moving parts within Wealthy Affiliate and your website, which can make knowing how everything works and integrates a little confusing, especially when you're first getting started. I totally understand, and that's why I created this Class.

I'm going to walk you through the main components of your new site, show you how I set up my own sites, and answer some of the most common questions I receive about setting up a successful website as a newbie.

So even if you're a complete beginner, by the end of this Class, you'll know exactly how to set up and operate your "revenue generating machine" like a PRO!

Sections of the Video:

  • Introduction
  • The #1 Mistake to Avoid With Your New Website (02:35)
  • My Recommended Website Theme (8:00)
  • Editing a Post After You've Published It (12:44)
  • Pages vs Posts (25:05)
  • Classic Editor vs Block Editor (30:00)
  • Categorizing Your Content (31:30)
  • Customizing Your Menu (35:34)
  • Customizing Your Homepage (53:10)

Additional Resources Mentioned in the Video: