Who Defines Success!
When you define success, what can you measure as a meaning for success. Most people measure success based on the amount of money a person has accumulated. Many people look at the mass amount of income an individual appear to have and label them a success. This can often times be further from the Truth. It is very possible for a person to have a lot of Money and be a complete failure. So don't get caught up into thinking that people that have a lot of money is a complete success.
Success is being complete in all areas of life. Being a Great spouse, parent, friend, being organized, a planner, and being committed to excellence will springboard you into living successfully.
Success can be defined by the one striving to achieve their own goals. You are a success based up on what you choose to do in life. Doing something in life that you enjoy doing and then being rewarded for it. Now That's success.
Recent Comments
I agree completely. Wealth in any form without happiness is actually poverty !