Naturopathic Nutritional Theapy


Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy



Your Heath starts in your stomach


EditLayouts My

mission is to help you learn how to keep yourself healthy. To be able

to cure over 900 diseases that your doctors only manage for their

profit. A medical doctor can't make money if you're healthy. By managing

you for life, MD's live great lifestyles while keeping you sick and

slowly dying. I'm sure you watch ads on TV from drug companies that tell

you all the possible side effects, some including death that could

happen if you take the medication. Yet people flock to their quacks

demanding these potentially harmful drugs. Why? Because these people

have lost the ability to use reason and logic. Of coarse ones fear of

death helps the doctors real in the sheeple with promises of a better

outcome but rarely a cure. A medical doctors skills lay in trauma care,

where modern surgical miracles happen everyday. And that's great. But

when it comes chronic health issues, not so much. For that you need a

Naturopathic Doctor (ND) as your primary care physician. However the

system is rigged. Insurance doesn't cover a ND. At least as far as I

know. We spend more money than all other nations combined on our medical

system. and we have the worst health in the world for a so called

civilized nation. Something is f#cked up. I am just starting this

website so you will have to be patient.
My email address is:
Stay safe and no vaccines ever.

Good bad food list

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The 10 BAD FOODS plus G M O’s (genetically modified organisms) If you want better health, this is where you start!


Wheat 2. Barley 3. Rye and 4. Oats, (Oatmeal). Gluten is a type of

protein. Sixty years ago, gluten wasn't as big of a problem. Over the

years, through selective breeding to increase yield, the amount of

gluten has increased around 17 times by weight. This gluten protein

can’t be broken down by your stomach acid into amino acids, like other

proteins are.
Your body can’t use a whole protein. It must be broken

down into separate amino acids in order to make your own proteins. And

whole proteins damage the villi in the small intestines which is

responsible for absorbing nutrients because it is too big to absorb. The

less nutrients you absorb, the less healthy you are. This leads many

people to over eat, because the body demands more food to get the

nutrients it needs. Your stomach can still absorb the calories. That’s

one of the reasons the U.S.A. has more obese people per ca-pita than any

other country in the world. And what your stomach does or doesn't

absorb does vary some from person to person. But all people are gluten

intolerant. There are over 250 symptoms associated with gluten

intolerance. And these symptoms range from constipation, skin problems

and all the way to celiac disease. And when you consider 95% of mental

disorders are caused by nutritional deficiencies, it becomes very clear

that being able to absorb all the nutrients you eat is extremely

important. Many conditions are caused by nutritional deficiencies. (Over

900 of them).
Schizophrenia is caused by an extreme niacin (vitamin

B3) deficiency. It can take up to 2 weeks or more for the benefits of

freedom from gluten to happen. You must master your control over gluten

for life. No gluten ever again. No exceptions. Read labels on everything

you eat, until you know what's in the food. Wheat is added to many

soups as a thickener. It's in gravy, and hidden in many other processed


Page 2 That's why it's much better to prepare your own

foods, so you know exactly what's in them. It takes awhile, but the

results are well worth it. Now, if you don’t believe me, avoid all

gluten for 28 days. Then gluten up. Breakfast with toast and pancakes,

pizza for lunch and spaghetti and
meatballs for dinner. Then see how

you feel over the next few days. (Warning, stay near a toilet for a

couple of hours after your first breakfast as you could get explosive

diarrhea. But if that’s what it takes to convince you, it’s well worth

5. Fried Food – Nothing fried! You should boil, broil or bake

and never more than medium rare with beef or lamb. Well done meat

increases cancer risk. When you fry food, it creates a chemical called

acrylamide, which is carcinogenic (causes cancer) and is

pro-inflammatory. Fried food makes you sick, and shortens your life. It

also causes oxidation damage. No fried food, no exceptions! Fried foods

are foods cooked in oils. You can cook in butter, clarified butter or

6. Oils – NO oils! Yes, this includes olive oil! NO canola oil

(it’s all GMO), NO coconut oil, No mayonnaise or vegetable oil etc. If

it has OIL in the name don’t use it. This also includes anything made

from oil, like salad dressing, margarine or combo spreads (which is oil

that looks like butter). It’s recommended to use salt and lemon juice as

a salad dressing. And there are many other homemade salad dressings

that don’t contain oils or gluten. Educate yourself on them. All these

oils cause oxidative damage.
You will notice that there is some air

at the top of these bottles of oil. The oils absorb the oxygen from the

air in the bottle, causing free radicals that cause damage to your body.

And this damage contributes to all types of diseases. Anything you can

do to limit oxidative damage to your body is a good thing. Now as far as

coconut and olive oil is concerned, as long as it’s not hydrogenated

(heated to 180 degree F) you can use it in moderation, like if you want

to make your own mayonnaise. Just don’t heat it.
Hydrogenated oils

contain trans-fatty acids. These are very bad as they cause plaque to

build up in your arteries till it causes a heart attack. The
Page 3

buildup usually happens where the arteries bend near the heart. This

also gives people strokes. This keeps the MD’s very busy!

7. No

soda. No carbonated drinks of any kind within one hour before, during or

one hour after meals. The carbon dioxide in soda and other bubbly

drinks neutralizes stomach acid. You need strong stomach acid to digest

food. Not to mention the high fructose corn syrup in most sweet drinks,

which is a great cancer food. And anything from corn, like corn syrup is

most likely genetically modified. Did I mention beer? It has bubbles in

it too. Gluten free beer is available, but not within one hour before,

during or one hour after eating.
8. No burned fats on any meat, or

well done red meats. (beef and lamb). If you grill your food, try to

have something between the food and the fire (like aluminum foil) so the

juice doesn’t drip onto the flames and deposit Hetero-cyclic Amines on

the meat from the smoke, which causes cancer. Burned fats and over

cooked red meats creates this poison, which you then eat. Rare or medium

rare red meat is the way to go. That said, no well done red meat. If

it’s burned on the outside, cut that off and don’t eat it. You will very

quickly adjust to the flavor of rare and medium rare red meats.

Skin of a baked potato (or yam, or sweet potato). If you boil a potato,

you can eat the skins. When you bake a potato, yam or sweet potato, you

also create Hetero-cyclic Amines on the skin. Best to boil, stew, or

crock-pot these, and then you can eat the skins. But if baked is all you

can get, don’t eat the skins. Remember Hetero-cyclic Amines cause

10. Any nitrates added to meat – (in other words, processed

deli meats). Tell your butcher NO SODIUM NITRATES or SODIUM NITRITES!

These are added as a preservative. When these substances are heated,

they turn into Nitrosamines, which causes cancer, inflammation, and

oxidation damage. Read labels on all processed meats. When they say no

sodium, it's this type of sodium they should be warning you about. Not

salt, which is very important to your health. You can get bacon, and

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meats that don’t contain nitrates. Better yet, make your own lunch

meats, and sausages. The less meat is processed, the better.

Genetically Modified Organisms. Almost all corn in the U.S.A. is

genetically modified. And unfortunately many more foods are being

modified. GMO food is harmful to all that eat it. Do your research and

do your best to avoid it.

Salt. Your body

regulates your salt intake by taste. To properly digest your food you

need stomach acid and salt (sodium chloride) is vital in the creation of

stomach acid.
Eggs. To cook eggs you may: Poach. This is the number

one choice because the water never reaches a temperature greater than

212 degrees. Scramble with butter over very low heat, and only until

they are just setting up. If you can hear them cooking it’s too hot. If

the butter turns brown, it’s burned. Clean the pan and start over. Soft

boil with the yolk still runny. Some call them “2 minute eggs” Organic

Raw Eggs are good. Dairy, Fish, Chicken, Pork, Lamb and Beef. Pork must

reach an interior temperature of a least 165 degrees F. to kill harmful

bacteria and trichinosis. Modern meat processing has eliminated most of

this, but people in the U.S.A. still get it on occasion. So better safe

than sorry. Use a meat thermometer.
Veggies, Fruit, Mixed, salted

Nuts with no peanuts, and Nut Butters with no extra sugar. Rice, Millet,

Pure Buckwheat (Isn’t wheat), Couscous (made from pearl millet only).

Quinoa, Beans. Corn, except if it’s genetically modified. Coffee, Tea,

Green tea, Red wine. 4 to 8, 8oz glasses of filtered water each day.

(Fluoride free). Avoid soft plastic bottles. They contain Bisphenol A

(BPA) which is a carbon based synthetic compound added to certain

plastics to keep their shape. It leaches into the contents in the

plastic bottles, and mimics estrogen. This can feminize boys, and over

feminize girls. BPA free plastics may contain BPS, which also mimics

estrogen. Do your research.

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Lard (yes, lard!)

Unless you have a kosher diet. Any carbohydrate that is “Gluten Free” is

OK. And 20,000 ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) points of

antioxidants daily. Do a web page
search for “ORAC food values” and

figure out which foods to eat to get to this number. Use Butter. If you

cook with butter, make sure the heat is low enough that the butter

doesn’t turn brown in the pan. Obviously, organic food is better for you

if you can afford it. Or best yet, grow your own, or shop at local

farmers markets. (Avoid the corn). And avoid soy milk as almost all soy

beans imported here are GMO. Organic corn and soy is OK if you can find

them. (Good luck with that). Do your research on food additives. Some

are OK, but most aren’t. The more you know, the better. It’s really up

to you to make sure you and your family maintain a healthy diet. After

you master this list, then it’s time for the next phase,

supplementation. It is impossible to get all of your essential nutrients

from the food we eat, especially minerals.
Best of luck to you, and Bonn Apatite.

**These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.** Date:09/10/2021

is what I am doing to boost my immune system and protect myself from

the covid-19 virus. I base this on the knowledge gained through my study

of Naturopathic nutritional therapy which I started in 2012.
I am not a doctor, so I’m not telling anybody to do this. You decide. Knowledge is power.

going to supplement with Zinc, Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, and as organic as

possible. Follow directions on the supplement’s bottle. I’m going to

use tonic water, as in gin and tonic without the gin. You may get

everything at Sunflower next to Vista. I use the tonic water for it’s

Quinine. The brand I like is Zevia. It has Stevia in it. No sugar or

Hydroxychloroquine is the drug companies answer to Quinine

which comes from the bark of the Cinchona tree. They can’t patent a

natural substance. You just need the Tonic water. I take an of ounce of

Zevia 2 or 3 times a day.
I’m concerned about the adverse side

effects of many pharmaceutical drugs. The quinine aids the zinc to enter

the cells of your body. When a virus enters the cells, the zinc stops

from it replicating. This kills almost all viruses including covid-19.

You can’t get it and you can’t spread it. The vitamin D3 is for people

who get enough sunlight. And the Vitamin C is very good for you.

personally remove the CO2. Also there are many natural antivirals.

Quercetin, 10 PPM Nan-Silver (colloidal silver), Nascent Iodine,

Elderberry Syrup, Selenium and more that I can use. If you can get

organic food, that would help. Get off gluten and other bad foods. Do

your own research always. And always use reason and logic, not panic.

That’s hard to do for way too many people these days. I never take

vaccines because I don’t need them. And I think they can cause bad

reactions in some people.
There are many studies online that don’t

make it to the mainstream television news. Chlorine Dioxide stops an

active covid-19 infection. It will kill every pathogen there is. Not

that I have to worry. But if I did use it, I would need to follow the

directions to the letter, because it’s very potent.
Studies also are

showing that locked down areas have higher covid-19 cases than free

areas. Which makes sense to me because covid-19 is airborne. Got central

heat and air? And in stores? I’m going to assume that most of us by far

have been exposed, and having a strong immune system is my best defense

against this virus.
Locking everyone down just destroys the economy

and the supply chain we all depend on. In my personal opinion, the steps

that I am taking will keep me from contracting covid-19. Feel free to

pass this around. And again do your own research like I did.
Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. And let’s get past this. Good luck.

**These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.** Date:09/20/2020

is what I am doing to boost my immune system and protect myself from

the covid-19 virus. I base this on the knowledge gained through my study

of Naturopathic nutritional therapy which I started in 2012.
I am not a doctor, so I’m not telling anybody to do this. You decide. Knowledge is power.

going to supplement with Zinc, Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, and as organic as

possible. Follow directions on the supplement’s bottle. I’m going to

use tonic water, as in gin and tonic without the gin. You may get

everything at Sunflower next to Vista. I use the tonic water for it’s

Quinine. The brand I like is Zevia. It has Stevia in it. No sugar or

Hydroxychloroquine is the drug companies answer to Quinine

which comes from the bark of the Cinchona tree. They can’t patent a

natural substance. You just need the Tonic water. I take an of ounce of

Zevia 2 or 3 times a day.
I’m concerned about the adverse side

effects of many pharmaceutical drugs. The quinine aids the zinc to enter

the cells of your body. When a virus enters the cells, the zinc stops

from it replicating. This kills almost all viruses including covid-19.

You can’t get it and you can’t spread it. The vitamin D3 is for people

who get enough sunlight. And the Vitamin C is very good for you.

personally remove the CO2. Also there are many natural antivirals.

Quercetin, 10 PPM Nan-Silver (colloidal silver), Nascent Iodine,

Elderberry Syrup, Selenium and more that I can use. If you can get

organic food, that would help. Get off gluten and other bad foods. Do

your own research always. And always use reason and logic, not panic.

That’s hard to do for way too many people these days. I never take

vaccines because I don’t need them. And I think they can cause bad

reactions in some people.
There are many studies online that don’t

make it to the mainstream television news. Chlorine Dioxide stops an

active covid-19 infection. It will kill every pathogen there is. Not

that I have to worry. But if I did use it, I would need to follow the

directions to the letter, because it’s very potent.
Studies also are

showing that locked down areas have higher covid-19 cases than free

areas. Which makes sense to me because covid-19 is airborne. Got central

heat and air? And in stores? I’m going to assume that most of us by far

have been exposed, and having a strong immune system is my best defense

against this virus.
Locking everyone down just destroys the economy

and the supply chain we all depend on. In my personal opinion, the steps

that I am taking will keep me from contracting covid-19. Feel free to

pass this around. And again do your own research like I did.
Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. And let’s get past this. Good luck.
**These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.**

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Here's some links that I can make some money for making this website, thanks for anything.



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