Week 5 Progress


Week five ended up being a bit of a rest period for me, haha.

As it turns out, last week when I submitted articles to EZA, every single one of them got rejected!  This had me pretty frustrated, and I decided to take a break from it all and re-evaluate what I was doing. 

After asking for help in the forums, as well as sending EZA a few "what gives?!" messages, they finally responded and now I'm working on getting back on track.

I just finished writing another article, and hopefully EZA will accept at least a few of them today.  

Though I had many articles rejected, it was a valuable learning experience, and I'm glad I was able to keep moving.  In many other cases, this type of set back would've been enough to make me say "meh, I guess Internet Marketing isn't my thing". 

Now I know better, because I have to keep going if I want to see any results.  I owe a lot to the members at WA, they're the whole reason that I'm sticking it out and working until I see the results I know I can achieve.  As I've said before, I owe a big thanks to everyone who has helped me.  No matter how little or how much you've contributed.  If you've PM'd me, responded to one of my many questions in the forums, or simply said "hi" on my WA spaces page, you've encouraged me to keep going and stick with it.

These things take time, but I know that a year from now, I'll be eternally grateful both to WA, and to the members who help sustain such an excellent learning environment.

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