My Progress Thus Far


Well hello there!

I've been using Wealthy Affiliate for over a year and I'm just going to come right out and say that I have been probably the laziest person in the world. I didn't make any plans in the beginning, and I just let time gradually slip out from under me. I paid to be a premium member very early on, and paid and continued to pay and wasn't utilizing the site or the training. I wasn't blogging, I wasn't making any effort. I came to a turning point maybe 2 months ago when I realised I really actually do love blogging. I really do love logging onto my site and posting content. So in terms of my progress I'm kind of in the area of "slow and steady wins the race". I've built a site, I'm posting regular content and I'm now using the training available to me here.

The niche market for me is Beauty, Health and Fitness and Travel. I have posted consistantly in all 3 topics and love the fact that I'm now getting a good amount of content under my belt.

The successes I can share with you is definitely breaking through that barrier of not doing anything and just giving up. It's frustrating, it's hard and its annoying when you're trying to get your websaite recognised and it took over 4 months to be google verified. I realised it came down to my commitment to the cause and how it was lacking.

On the next 3 months I hope to be able to monetize some of the links I have posted about. Get rid of the shop page on my site for now and just post with affiliate links. My shop page just isn't a real thing currently. I was hoping to sell product, as well as affiliate market, but it's just not viable. I wouldn't know what to sell.

In 6 months, I'd like to quit my day job and do this full time. It's a viable source of income, I just wish I had done this sooner, and stopped myself from putting all this off.

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I can so relate to this. I've been researching ways to earn a living from home, but every time I find something that requires a lot of time in order to make any money I get turned off and forget all about it. I always intend on continuing, but I guess I've just never been motivated enough. I finally decided to take a different approach when I found Affiliated Marketing. I'm not going to jump in this expecting to make a bunch of money really early on. It's going to be challenging, but I just have to tell myself that this time a few months from now I'll hopefully be better off. I just signed up for this, so it's still early for me. Good luck! I believe in you :)

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