Thanks to everyone at WA
I want to thank everyone who is so graciously following me at WA. I havent been able to thank everyone individually due to time lately, meaning lack of. Trying to make sense of all this newly aquired knowledge has left my head spinning. I still have not decided on my niche, and maybe I am over thinking it, but its hard to decide on what people would like to hear. I am a nurse of over 16 years, currently not working, which is what brought me to this wonderfull website. All this is new to me, even had to look up Affiliate Marketing so I could understand the concept of what it is. I can get arround a computer fine and am an easy pupil, but still is very confusing to me. Went to Amazon's web page for Affiliate marketing but they also wanted a web page which I have not set up yet, so back to the WA site and again back to setting up web page. This reminds me of being in school and not knowing something then all of a sudden BOOM, you got it! Do not think I am quite there yet but trying. Beleive it or not, this is the first time I have even "blogged" since I have had a computer. But, I do have alot of things to say about alot of things going on today so be patient everyone I'll get there soon. Of all the sites and on-line makeing money schemes I have researched, I must give this one a big thumbs-up. WA has been so helpfull in providing information and the people to help me, now its up to me to carry on by following there instructions and asking for help when I need it. So, if everyone who is following me gets to read this, again I thank-you and appreciate your help.
Recent Comments
hello - looks like we are at the same learning level - care to learn it together? :)