Diuretics And Other Holistics


Here is a list of what i have learned about the care and maintenance of your kidneys over the past few months.



noun the process of maintaining or preserving someone or something, or the state of being maintained.

Definiton: ho·lis·tic


adjective PHILOSOPHY

characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole.


characterized by the treatment of the whole person, taking into account mental and social factors, rather than just the physical symptoms of a disease.

A diuretic is any substance that promotes diuresis, that is, the increased production of urine. This includes forced diuresis. There are several categories of diuretics. All diuretics increase the excretion of water from bodies, although each class does so in a distinct way. Alternatively, an antidiuretic such as vasopressin, or antidiuretic hormone, is an agent or drug which reduces the excretion of water in urine.

Many over the counter remedies are available that can effectively help to alleviate the symptoms of edema.

A healthy water balance is essential in the body in order to allow all of the body's systems to work properly. When this balance is disrupted and water is retained, swelling of the legs, ankles, feet, and hands can occur.

Swelling can also occur near the abdomen, and near the lungs.

If swelling occurs in or near the lungs, a physician should be seen right away since that can be a sign of pulmonary edema which can eventually lead to heart failure if left untreated.

For some cases of edema, especially if they are mild and merely bothersome, over the counter diuretics can be safely used. Diuretics and natural remedies for edema symptoms have been around for years, and when properly used are effective.

Over The Counter Diuretics:


Pamabrom is one very commonly used over the counter diuretic.

It is a mild diuretic, and the main ingredient in Pamabrom that makes it work effectively is related to another well known diuretic called theophylline. Theophylline is actually an ingredient found in tea, so it is considered to be fairly safe.


Diurex is another over the counter diuretic that has caffeine as its main ingredient. It can also help to relieve the symptoms of edema when used properly, and has been around for years.

It is effective in helping to remove excess water from the body.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Edema

For many years, apple cider vinegar has been considered to be an effective and very safe diuretic to use for mild symptoms of edema.

The best way to use apple cider vinegar is to mix two teaspoons of it into an eight ounce glass of water and drink it.

Apple cider vinegar has a mild diuretic effect, without any known side effects, therefore it is considered to be quite safe.

Foods That Have Diuretic Properties

There are foods that have a diuretic effect on the body, and are good for those with only minimal symptoms with no other major health conditions present. There are also foods that cause more swelling - avoid these.

Foods such as cranberry juice, cranberries, melon, artichoke, watercress, asparagus, celery, apple cider vinegar, tea and coffee all contain diuretic properties.

When eaten along with a healthy diet, which includes lowering sodium intake, they can be effective for those with only mild symptoms of edema to help to achieve a more normal balance of water in the body.

A Natural Remedy for Reducing Swelling

Herbal remedies have been used for years because of their diuretic properties and can be effective for those with mild symptoms of edema. One well known remedy is called Capisette, which comes in the form of capsules that are taken twice daily, in the morning and in the evening.

Containing several herbs that have diuretic properties, Capisette is considered to be a safe method of treating edema symptoms, provided that no other serious health conditions are present. Capisette contains Buchu, Dandelion, Horse Chesnut, Ginkgo Biloba, and Uva Ursi Extract, which are all used for their diuretic and water balancing properties. Capisette also includes magnesium and potassium, important for electrolyte balance.

An important thing that is advised when using herbal and other natural remedies is to take them regularly and consistently, and to be patient when waiting to see results. A natural remedy works over time with the body to achieve a more holistic balance, so it is important to give it time to take effect.

Herbs To Look For:

When attempting to treat mild edema with herbal remedies, there are a couple of effective herbs to look for in those remedies. Herbs can often be used that are effective in the treatment of edema, without the undesirable side effects that can occur with the use of prescription medications.


Buchu is also known as Agathosma betulina and is a well known herbal remedy from South Africa. It is used for its natural diuretic properties, allowing the body to rid itself of excess water and to rid itself of toxins present in the body as well. This is one important herbal ingredient to look for in any herbal remedy.


Dandelion is also known as Taraxacum officinalis, and it contains some bitter properties that help with the digestive system.

It is a rich source of vitamins and minerals as well, making it both a safe and effective herb to look for in any herbal product.

Dandelion works by supporting the body's ability to excrete water safely and effectively, and to aid in removing toxins.

Important Advice

Whenever one is using herbal remedies for the treatment of edema, or other natural remedies, it is important that they are not used along with prescription medications being used to treat edema.

They are meant to be used for those with mild symptoms, that are not on any other prescription medications.

If relief is not found with herbals and natural remedies, it may be necessary to seek the advice of a physician so a more effective treatment can be found.

When talking to a physician, it is important to let them know that other remedies have been used prior to seeking extra care for this condition. That way, the physician can take this into account when determining if the patient should also be using a prescription diuretic treatment.

Sometimes natural and herbal treatments may be enough, but when they're not, it is always wise to seek the care of a qualified physician, especially if edema symptoms persist or get worse.

The ideal desired outcome is to achieve a good balance of fluids within the body that helps to bring one back to a feeling of good health once again.

Foods and Drinks That Are Natural Diuretics

Caffeinated Beverages

Drinks that contain caffeine, such as tea and coffee, are diuretics because caffeine, in addition to being an energy booster, encourages your body to urinate more frequently. Caffeine is considered safe for regular consumption. MedlinePlus recommends that adults daily consume not more than five servings of tea or caffeinated sodas and, for coffee, not more than two to three 8-ounce cups, which provides around 200 to 300 milligrams of caffeine per day.

Amount of caffeine in 1 cup (8 fl oz) (237 g) of coffee = 95 mg

Nutrition Facts


Amount Per 1 cup (8 fl oz) (237 g)

Calories 1

% Daily Value*

Sodium 5 mg 0%

Potassium 116 mg 3%

Protein 0.3 g 0%

Caffeine 95 mg

Vitamin B-12 0% Magnesium 1%

Stacker2 Vitamin B12 Product Description

Stacker2 Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin which performs a key role in regulating the brain and nervous system. It has 10,000 RDA's of vitamin B12 and also supports the formation of red blood cells, which carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.+ Vitamin B12 helps to maintain the proper metabolism of protein, fat and carbohydrates.+ This synergistic blend of B-Vitamins, L-Tyrosine and Caffeine supplies an extreme boost of energy.

Fruit Options

Fruits and fruit juices that are high in the electrolyte mineral potassium are a natural diuretic. In particular, citrus fruits and juices, such as lemon juice, are natural diuretics. Similarly, pineapple, while not a citrus fruit, is a natural diuretic. In traditional African medicine, dried, powdered pineapple root is used as a natural treatment for edema, or fluid retention. The University of Maryland also recommends blueberries, grapes and cherries to help treat edema.

Vegetables as Diuretics

Certain vegetables are natural diuretics, including asparagus, beets, leafy greens such as lettuce and spinach, seaweed, pumpkin and green beans. However, because some vegetables can interact with certain medications, you should let your medical provider know if you have plans to drastically alter your diet to include more natural diuretics when you are already taking diuretic medication.

Choosing From the Herbs

Members of the onion family are also considered natural diuretics, so including garlic, leeks and onions in your daily diet can help reduce fluid retention. These vegetables have the added benefit of boosting flavor without needing extra salt. This can help with fluid retention because a high sodium diet can cause your body to retain fluid in an attempt to balance out your system. Parsley is also a potassium-rich herb that is a natural diuretic.

Choosing From the Herbs

Members of the onion family are also considered natural diuretics, so including garlic, leeks and onions in your daily diet can help reduce fluid retention. These vegetables have the added benefit of boosting flavor without needing extra salt. This can help with fluid retention because a high sodium diet can cause your body to retain fluid in an attempt to balance out your system. Parsley is also a potassium-rich herb that is a natural diuretic.

Warm Lemon Water: A Natural Diuretic and Toxin Remover

Water with lemon is a wonderful home remedy for a number of ailments. While you can take over-the-counter diuretics, they often tend to deplete your vitamin B stores and can also do some less-than-savory things to your gut health. A simple age-old remedy of drinking hot lemon water can not only help you fit into your pants more easily, but will also naturally cleanse the blood, kidneys, bladder, and other organs so that your body can more easily eliminate toxins from the body.

Lemons are much easier on your digestive and urinary systems than over-the-counter products as well. The same way lemons can clean your kitchen, they can also clean your insides.

If you want to make your hot lemon water even more effective, add a little diced garlic to boost its cleansing properties even more. Garlic is an amazingly healthful spice that has been utilized for centuries for its medicinal properties.

This one little remedy also boosts your immunity during cold and flu season, and can get rid of bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, and even lessen urinary tract infection. It can lessen arthritis, gout, and a host of other diseases that arise in the body due to inflammation as well.

Further, warming the water will help the body process it without having to utilize energy to change it to body temperature. This is a wonderful drink to replace your morning coffee as well if you have a frazzled adrenal system and need to rely on caffeine daily.

Lastly, citrus fruits like lemons don’t oxidize as quickly as other foods, so they are wonderful for scrubbing your insides clean and keeping your pH levels balanced. Yes, this is true even though lemons are ‘acidic’.

Overview – 7 Lemon Water Benefits:

⦁ Natural body cleanser, detox agent

⦁ Improves digestion

⦁ Aids in weight loss

⦁ Prevents cold and flu

⦁ Stops bloating

⦁ Helps with urinary tract infections

⦁ Keeps your mouth clean

Try sipping on warm lemon water throughout the day, or just replace a few unhealthy drinks like soda or sports drinks with this great substitute. You’ll feel less bloated, more energetic, and healthier from head to toe.

When blood flow to the kidneys declines due to illness, they respond by retaining water, which is why diuretics are prescribed. As you probably know, doctors also prescribe diuretics to treat high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, and liver disease, all of which cause water retention.

You don't say why you are interested in natural diuretics. However, this question often comes up when people are trying to lose weight. If that's your intent, you should know that any weight loss you see as a result of diuretic use will only be temporary. Prolonged use or abuse of any diuretics without medical supervision can lead to dehydration, which can cause kidney damage and an imbalance in normal levels of electrolytes (e.g., sodium and potassium), which are vital to heart, kidney and liver function. When electrolytes are out of balance, you're at high risk for heart failure and sudden death.

On that cautionary note, I can tell you that if you're seeking to eliminate excess fluid due to pre-menstrual bloating, your best bet is to avoid foods high in sodium.

Beverages containing caffeine and alcohol have a diuretic effect, and several other foods including celery, onion, eggplant, asparagus and watermelon are said to have a diuretic effect. In addition, the herbs hawthorn, corn silk, and parsley are used as diuretics in natural medicine. Of these, hawthorn, (crataegus oxycanthus) is the most powerful. If you have a medical condition for which diuretics are prescribed, you would be much better off following your physician's recommendation than trying to treat yourself with alternative remedies.

Natural diuretics

More and more people are resorting to natural foods and herbs that exhibit diuretic properties instead of diuretic pills. Moderation is the watchword even in the case of natural diuretics. Natural diuretics can aid in removal of excess fluids from the body and aid in treating of sciatica, kidney stone, lymphatic swelling, PMS, gonorrhea, liver disorders and high blood pressure.

⦁ Green tea is a natural diuretic food that has been in use for centuries in China.

⦁ Consumption of cranberry juice can aid in removal of excess fluid retention.

⦁ Apple cider vinegar exhibits natural diuretic properties and in addition maintains the potassium levels. It can be added to the salad dressing. It contains high levels of potassium that has quality to reduce fat deposits. It is prepared from apples and the malic acid used for fat burning process.

⦁ Dandelion is often used as a natural diuretic.

⦁ Nettle has natural diuretic properties that facilitate good cleansing.

⦁ Dandelion leaf tea aids in detoxification and has a beneficial effect on those suffering from cystitis and urinary tract infections.

⦁ Fennel has carminative and diuretic properties and is frequently used in seasoning food.

⦁ Natural foods with high water content such as watermelons and cucumbers help increase urination and better flushing out of toxins.

Artichokes are also natural diuretic, a digestive aid, and provides nutrition to health-promoting bacteria in the intestinal tract.

Asparagus contains asparigine – a chemical alkaloid that boosts kidney performance, thereby improving waste removal from the body. It includes asparagines chemical. This chemical removes waste from the body by breaking up the oxalic acid. It also affects the cells and break down fat.

⦁ Black currants are a diuretic with a high potassium level; Diuretic often help those who suffer from high blood pressure and rheumatism, but deplete their potassium levels. Blackcurrants combine a diuretic effect with a high level of potassium.

⦁ Brussels Spouts It stimulates the glands, the pancreas. It quickly releases waste and to clean out the cells. This vegetable also holds some minerals that stimulate the kidneys. This helps in better cleansing of cells.

⦁ Beets are natural diuretic foods that attack floating body fats and fatty deposits. These are burly diuretic that focuses on the liver and kidneys. They have special iron cleanses corpuscles.

⦁ Cabbage is known to aid breakage of fatty deposits, especially around the abdominal region.

⦁ Carrots are a rich source of carotene that speeds the metabolic rate of the body and hastens removal of fat deposits and waste.

⦁ Celery has a high concentration of Calcium in a ready to use form. Therefore when you eat it calcium directly work and this pure form of calcium will break up the accumulated fat build up. This is food with high water content.

⦁ Chives are a pleasing addition to a salad. They belong to the onion family and contain more than 80% water. They are fairly high in protein and carbohydrate content, rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus and sulfur. They are stimulating to the digestive system. They are valuable as a blood cleanser but exercise a strong diuretic action, consequently they should be used in moderation, particularly by those having trouble with their kidneys. People drinking beer, we find, should avoid using chives to any extent because, according to our researches, beer has a very strong disintegrating effect on the kidneys and a diuretic with the tendency to irritate the kidneys may cause undue discomfort.

⦁ Cucumbers are rich in sulfur and silicon that stimulate the kidneys into better removal of uric acid.

⦁ FENNEL is a valuable vegetable used in large quantities by the Latin cultures. As its nourishing value is becoming better known it is gradually becoming a more popular addition to other raw vegetables, either in salads or as a side dish. Fennel contains nearly 90% water in the bulbous part of the plant, which is the edible part. This vegetable can be quartered, sliced, chopped or ground. It is a very alkalinizing food, aiding in loosening up mucous or phlegm conditions, besides helping to stimulate the digestive processes. It is a good diuretic. It has a high sodium content and is rich in potassium and iron.

⦁ Fig is oxidant, laxative, diuretic, digestible and a blood cleanser

⦁ Garlic possesses, it is a natural diuretic food that aids breakage of fat and other excellent properties. Garlic has a beneficial effect on the lymph, aiding in the elimination of noxious waste matter in the body, having the tendency to increase body-odor until such waste has been sufficiently eliminated. It is a valuable cleanser of the mucous membrane, particularly the lungs, the sinuses, the nose and the throat. For this reason it is a valuable food in pulmonary conditions, asthma, etc. Although occasionally somewhat irritating to the kidneys, garlic is nevertheless valuable for its diuretic action. It is also a useful cleanser of the blood therefore helpful in conditions of high blood pressure. It tends to stimulate peristaltic action and the secretion of digestive juices. While the odor of garlic is not usually appreciated as a second hand perfume, this condition can be compensated by the use of raw parsley, mint or other fresh green herbs of a like nature, combined with it, or used immediately afterwards. Garlic contains approximately 65% water and satisfactory results are obtained by using it raw, chopped finely, in small quantities as an ingredient in any vegetable salad.

⦁ Horseradish speed up your metabolism. It has a wonderful effect of dissolving fat in cells with no side effects.

⦁ Lettuce aids better metabolism and flushing of toxins.

⦁ Mangoes are depurative and diuretic.

⦁ Melons are refreshing, alkalising, mineralising, oxidant and diuretic. Watermelon and muskmelon contains high levels of water, potassium and sodium that aid remove toxins and stimulates urine production.

⦁ Papayas are diuretic, laxative and refreshing.

⦁ Parsley is one of the most potent foods of the common vegetable kingdom. As a juice, if properly and completely extracted, it is wise not to drink more than (4 ounces) daily without the addition of other vegetable juices because otherwise it is likely to create a serious disturbance of the nervous system. With the addition of the raw juice of carrots and celery it is very valuable as nourishment for the optic system, also for the kidneys and bladder and as an aid in allaying inflammation of the urethra and genital organs. It stimulates the secretion of digestive juices and helps considerably in disturbances of the liver and of the spleen. The water content of parsley is in excess of 85% but the fibers are so tough that it requires a very thorough trituration and a sufficient amount of hydraulic pressure to extract all the vitamins and mineral elements with the juice. Parsley is rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium and chlorine. In salads it should be ground up very fine and can be used to the extent of one to two teaspoons per serving, not merely to decorate it. When eating meat, raw parsley should be eaten at the same time, because of its diuretic action, in order to stimulate the elimination of the excessive uric acid resulting from the digestion of meat.

⦁ Peaches are diuretic, depurative and detoxifying so they are wonderful to eat on a weight – loss program.

⦁ Pumpkins contain about 90% water with a comparatively low percentage of carbohydrates. While rich in sodium, potassium, magnesium and iron, they are rich also in chlorine and phosphorus. They have laxative qualities and their diuretic properties do not irritate the kidneys. Raw pumpkin is delicious when very finely grated and served in combination with finely grated carrots, beets, etc., as a base for salads. To cook pumpkins destroys their valuable water content, reducing it to about 15% and increases the carbohydrate content to more than 50%, converting it from a sugar to a starchy carbohydrate.

⦁ Radishes These may be considered under the general classification of large and small radishes. The former contain a little more than 85% water, but 50% less mineral elements than the small, while the latter contain more than 93% water and are rich in potassium, sodium and calcium with a large percentage of chlorine. They are rich in phosphorus and sulphur while the large variety is particularly rich in silicon. Radishes contain a volatile ether which has a particular affinity for mucus or phlegm as a solvent thereof. They have also enzymes valuable in aiding the secretion of digestive juices. Because of their diuretic action they are valuable in cleansing the kidneys and the bladder. The juice of radishes blended with carrot juice is a wonderful aid in cleansing and in healing the mucous membrane of the digestive system as well as of the respiratory organs. The small radishes are used either whole or sliced to garnish salads, while the large radishes can be grated or shredded as an ingredients.

⦁ Oats contain silica – a natural diuretic.

⦁ Strawberries are a traditional diuretic and have an excellent effect on the kidneys.

⦁ Tomatoes are rich in Vitamin C that aid the metabolism and release of water from the kidney to flush out waste.

⦁ Watercress is a powerful blood cleanser and blood builder. It is a diuretic plant, is soothing to the lungs, and stimulates bile formation. Watercress is rich in chlorophyll, sulfur and calcium, and strengthens qi (vital life force) energy.

Benefits of Diuretics Foods:

⦁ Retention of water may occur because of the lack of B-vitamins, amino-acids and proteins in the diet or due to the unnecessary utilization of sugar and salt content. The condition caused due to water retention in the body tissues is known as Edema. To avoid this condition there is need to take Natural Diuretic Foods that assist flush out the needless water from the body through urination.

⦁ Diuretic foods are cost-effective in comparison to other costly diuretic medications with their unlikable side effects.

⦁ Some diuretic foods increased metabolism. Besides it helps you shed redundant pounds as well.

⦁ Diuretic foods can purge body of toxins and free radicals e.g. apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is the best natural diuretic obtained by crushed apples and excites digestion and kidney function.

⦁ To regulate digestion due to the high yarn and enzyme content, Natural diuretic foods are used.

⦁ Diuretic foods supply the elements that are crucial for the health of our heart, kidneys and liver in our bodies. For the well-being of a person Electrolytic balance is vital elements. Synthetic diuretics can deplete our bodies of essential elements such as potassium and sodium.

⦁ Diuretic foods are very useful to treat high blood pressure condition, swelling, kidney stones and indigestion exclusive of the side effects.

⦁ When you start to take more diuretic foods naturally you devour less of the high-sodium and high-sugar processed foods. Because high fiber foods got from the diuretic foods list give bulk in your stomach helping control unhealthy cravings.

Side Effects of Diuretics:

⦁ Dehydration

⦁ Weight gain

⦁ Fluid retention (Fluid Retention)

⦁ Dizzy spells

⦁ Hypokalemia

⦁ Fainting

⦁ 28 natural diuretics that'll flush out your excess water weight …⦁ Green tea Celery Parsley - Dandelion - Juniper berries - Asparagus - Artichoke - Melon Watercress - A high protein diet - Cranberry juice - Apple cider vinegar -Nettle - Dandelion leaf tea - Fennel - Any Natural foods with high water content - Watermelons - cucumbers - Onions - Garlic - Brussel Spouts - Beets - Oats - Cabbage - Carrots - Lettuce - Tomatoes - Horseradish.

⦁ What are diuretic foods & How do they help me lose weight?

⦁ Diuretics will not help you burn off ugly body fat but they will help you lose excess water or fluid weight .

⦁ The 28 foods on this page are Natural diuretics that will flush excess water weight out of your body and also help you burn fat .

⦁ Natural diuretics are natural foods or herbs that allow increased flow of urine and thereby aid removal of fluids from the body and The main reason why you may need to flush out excess water weight may be for different reasons.

⦁ If you accumulated a lot of excess water and got bloated from eating too much salty and sugary foods or ⦁ these bad foods and/or been on a low protein diet which can also cause your body to retain lots of water .

Morning Detox Tea

More than a straight-up recipe, this is a foundation and guideline to building a morning detox that best suits your taste and needs. The measurements are approximate and forgiving (just make sure not to overdo it with the cayenne and turmeric). Like ginger? Add more. Don’t want honey? Skip it.


- 6-inch piece of fresh ginger

- 1 teaspoon turmeric

- 2 cinnamon sticks

- 1/2 teaspoon cayenne

- spoonful of raw honey

- squeeze of lemon


1. Peel ginger and slice thinly on the diagonal. Use the side of the knife to smash the ginger (exposing more surface area).

2. Add ginger slices to a saucepan with 6 cups of water and bring to a boil. Turn the heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes.

3. Add the cinnamon sticks, turmeric, and cayenne. Simmer for another 10 minutes.

4. Strain into a mug.

5. Stir in a spoonful of honey and squeeze of lemon.

You’ll still have plenty in the pot after that first cup. I like to keep the brew going all day, adding more water or spices with each serving. Enjoy!

—Kathy YL Chan

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I don't have these problems but it is good to know there are remedies for those that do have it. Be blessed!

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