There is Gold in the Foundation
A Good place to Build
When you learn from good information it is easier to instruct others how to, because you have first hand knowledge. This have been my case since my beginning with WA. I have spent countless hours absorbing the information in each lesson enjoying every minute of it, so much so; I failed the First lesson required in any business, and that is the foundation.
I am at the infamous (3) three month point at WA and I have learned quite a lot.
Being somewhat familiar with twitter; following someone keeps you connected to whats going on with that person and the same is true here in WA.
I am blogging particularly to all of the people who follow me to let you know I appreciate the follow and even if you have not followed me yet; know that I will follow back. Please do not hesitate to ask for my help; if I don't know the answer, I will respond with, I don't know or I will find out; either way, rest assured, I believe in follow-up. You are truly the Gold in my foundation. Thanks for the follow.
Welcome! Shout out, to all the New WA affiliates
This is a Great and exciting Community that treat you like Family. Enjoy your journey, take your time to learn, to earn and don't be afraid to ask for help.
Recent Comments
Hey Buford,
Great advice. Thanks so much.
Hi MNorton,
Thanks for visiting:)
you're welcome.