Help choosing a laptop
I am hoping that I can get some advice on choosing a laptop. I am currently using a kindle fire and my iphone. It is great to kick back on the sofa and write to my hearts content. But, I am having major issues wuth inserting hyper links and u tube videos! It is beyond frustrating.
I am looking at spending $200 - $300 and to purchase at Sam's Clob or I will purchase a mouse as well for ease in inserting links. Can someone narrow it down for me on which one(s) to purchase? I am beyond in your debt...
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That is my business. We don't decide for you but we will give you three options that will allow you to make a decision on a low-power laptop.
You are eliminating the generally two best places to buy PCS. Cost will not be the defining Factor. We will get you the best dollar value for your options for under $300. Remember the name on the box is not what's important comma it's what's inside the machine that matters.
I did purchase one from and it is 16GB and has a DVD drive as well!