Help Others - Live Longer
Being of service to others not only makes you feel good, it also helps you live longer. A recent study of the health effects of volunteering found that helping others on a regular basis can reduce early mortality rates by 22%! Being of assistance to others can greatly reduce depression and result in increased enjoyment of life and well being! The subjects in the study devoted only a minimum of one hour a month helping others so the benefits are produced without a whole lot of effort.
So, the next time you see someone on Wealthy Affiliate ask for help and you post a suggestion, you are not only helping them, you are helping yourself! Always be looking for ways of being helpful and who may be a modern day Methuselah! See you in the sun (on the lawn of the Old Folk's Home).
Recent Comments
Roland, so true in what you say, it does lift your spirit when you know you have been able to help some one.
So true! Well said ! I have done the same and it feels really great and hoping to help them at anytime ! Cheers man
Great post. I just wrote one (a few hours ago) with a similar theme. Appreciate you.
Here's to a long life.
Wanting to help others is born in us, we just need to nurture the feeling by doing. Thanks for you blog and thoughtful words