My apologies for short absence at WA I was caught up writing my resume

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Dear WA Family,

I was writing this resume with the hope to apply for skilled independent visa 189. Please do help me with ideas and corrections šŸ™

Personal InformatioN

Name: Mrs. Sonam Yangchen

DOB: 22nd Nov , 1979

Country: Bhutan

Passport no: G079926

Citizenship No: 11410010716

Driving license: T-32322

Permanent address:

  • Village : Thim Throm
  • District: Thim Throm
  • City : Thimphu

Education :

1998: Class 10: Yangchenphug High School, Public School, Thimphu Bhutan ,

2000: Class 12 :Yangchenphug High School , Public School, Thimphu Bhutan,

2000 to 2004 : B.Ed (Secondary ) English and Geography, National Institute of Education, Samtse Bhutan

  • 1st June to 15 June , 2000:
    • Three weeks induction course to Teaching
  • 1st July to 30th dec , 2000 :
    • field teacher training for Six months in babesa primary school and Chang Bangdu primary school , Thimphu Bhutan
  • July 2011 to July 2012: Master in Education, Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India

2017: Diploma inLeadership and Management, Kingston International College , Perth , Western Australia

2018: Diploma in Early Child Care, Kingston International College, Perth, Western Australia not completed.

Work Experience and knowledge:

  • 2005 to 2007: khuruthang Middle Secondary School, Public School , Punakha *Designation: Teacher , Position level 5
  • 2008 to 2011 : Changzamtog Lower Secondary School, Public School , Thimphu *Designation: Teacher , Position level 4( the P.level changes after serving for 5 years for the first year of service)
  • Aug 2012 to 2016 , Lungtenzampa Middle Secondary School ,Public School,Thimphu *Designation: Teacher , Position level 3 the P.level changes after serving for 4 years after the first promotion) .
  • 2019 - 2020 : Sersang Early Childcare and Primary School, Private School, Thimphu Bhutan

Short Course Training and others :

2005 : Scout Basic Unit leaders Training course , khuruthang Punakha

2005: Voluntary work during the first Population and Housing Census of Bhutan.

2007: Facilitation of the 1st National Jamboree, Damphu, Tsirang

2012; World conference on Shaping A future classroom : A global perspective

2015: Royal Civil Service Award by His Majesty The King of Bhutan on completing 10 years of dedicated service to the country .

2016: Transformative Pedagogy Training , Thimphu

*Role 1: Leadership and Management Practices;

As a Class Teacher: Moral greenery

Class Teachers play vital roles in the lives of the students in their classrooms. We are the 2nd parents in the school environment. So as a class teacher I have the following roles:

1.Administrator and Organizer:

  • Make decisions appropriate to the class/level.
  • Team building and assembling a warm environment to work together as a team.
  • Create a Classroom Environment; help them set their own classroom rules and inspire them to work together as one family unit.
  • Carry out classroom administrative duties efficiently and participate in school decision making structures.
  • Manage classroom activities and student behavior.
  • Manage learning in the classroom,
  • Mentor class children for all school activities like school concert , class drama , sport activities and inter school and intra class competitions in any field.
  • Conduct class teacher and parents meeting biannually.

2. Keeping record:

  • Maintain Academic performance records, such as grades, provide insight about student progress and help parents and teachers make important decisions regarding studentsā€™ learning needs.
  • Maintain Attendance records for accountability and studentā€™s safety.
  • Maintain Behavior records for parents-teacher conferences and disciplinary meetings. It helps students to become aware and they focus on studies.
  • Prepare student progress reports for all unit tests and major examinations.
  • Prepare a transfer certificate when they leave school.

3. Monitor and Assess Learning:

  • Assessing the students learning throughout the year to check they are gaining the knowledge and appropriate skills to complete the course and that they fully understand what is being taught.
  • Identify studentā€™s weaknesses and plan a strategy to assist them with it.
  • Motivate children at all times.

4. Mentor and Role Model:

  • Mentor and nurture students by providing individual guidance and personnel support.
  • Role models to the class children.

5. Keeping connected/Broader Learning Domain:

  • Create social media accounts with parents of all class children either on wechat, Telegram, whatsapp, viber and any other social media. ( a platform to communicate with parents and guardians)
  • Create group chat with class children on social media and help children with their personal as well as academic problems.


Work Domain: Curriculum Practices: Planning and Delivery;

Role 2: As Subject Teacher :

  • Prepare Lesson Plans:
    • make a good lesson plan with set specific learning objectives related to the subjects.
  • Teach my children with utmost dedication and professionalism to make our children understand the concept I teach.(Academic greenery, )
    • Implements effectively that proportion of the school curriculum for which he/she is responsible by using pedagogical skills and thorough understanding of subject matter.
  • Incorporate Gross National Happiness Value in the lesson plan; (Intellectual greenery)
    • The lesson must have values which can be used to overcome daily issues and assign work based on the daily experiences, so that they learn better.
    • Cultivate the gifts of our minds.
    • realise the power of our minds and implement the power in our daily lives.
  • Apply various instructional strategies:
    • identify relevant teaching learning materials and appropriate teaching learning strategy which would involve children in their learning by including active learning, small-group tuition, individual teaching, and scaffolded instruction.
  • Holistic Assessment;
    • Incorporate differentiated lessons by Varying the level, structure, mode of instruction and pace of lessons to meet individual needs. Adapting lessons for studentsā€™ interests, matching tasks and processes to studentsā€™ abilities and needs.
  • Monitor/ Assess Students learning and guide students' work,
    • Maintain a continuous assessment record throughout the year to check they are gaining the knowledge and appropriate skills to complete the course and that they fully understand what is being taught.
    • encourage students to discuss the chosen topic or method not only with the teacher but also amongst themselves.
  • Provide assignments and conduct tests frequently to check the learning of the students and to know their weaknesses.
  • Carry out evaluation of childrenā€™s unit test and bi-annual examination paper.
  • Provide a friendly environment conducive for learning
    • Prepare teaching aids/ use ICT in the classroom Environment.
    • Incorporate problem-solving activities.
    • Assign heterogenous group work.
    • promote social and emotional competence.

Work Domain: Identifying Activities

*Role 3: House Master :Social greenery

1.Pastoral oversight

  • Maintain high standards of personal conduct in the boarding house, in accordance with school policies.
  • Foster a homely, purposeful and safe atmosphere within the house
  • Be proactive in seeking to forge excellent personal relationships with boarders, their parents and/or carers
  • Carry out daytime and evening duties as agreed with the Second Master
  • Carry out weekend duties, on rotation, as agreed with the Second Master

2.Academic duties

  • Maintain an active interest in the academic progress of boarders in the house and interceding on their behalf as required, for instance, by attending parentsā€™ consultations etc.
  • Liaise closely with members of teaching staff across the school, as well as administrative staff and auxiliary staff to ensure the smooth running of the house.
  • Feedback to parents formally, as part of the schoolā€™s reporting procedures.

3.Administration (Moral goodness)

    • Fostering goodness over cleverness, cooperation over competition, fair-play over victory at any cost.
    • Manage the team of house staff - both academic and domestic - in order to ensure the smooth running of the house.
    • Ensure that communications sent home, or to pupils, are read and understood by parents and carers.
    • organise House meetings and communicate clearly and effectively with all members of the House team.
    • help organise and support House activities including, Inter-House Competitions such as House Sports and House Music.
    • support and model positive behaviour after collective worship and around the school.

    Work Domain: School Community Vitality
    * Role 4: :Scout Leader / Master
    As a scout master , I conduct one hour class every Wednesday after school.

    • Prepare a yearly action plan for scouting activities and implement these plans into the school diary.
    • Carry out scouting activities as per the plan:
    • Recruit new scouts and teach them the basics of accounting following the scoutmaster handbook guidelines.
    • Include the old/ senior scouts and put them together as troops.
    • Prepare the list of names of scouts who will be responsible for the hoisting of the national flag during the assembly time.
    • Cary out a safe, exciting and stimulating Balanced Programme for the Scouts taking into account the needs, interests and abilities of the young people.
    • Ensure the safe delivery of the programme in accordance with the Policy, Organisation and Rules of The Scout Association.
    • Ensure that every young person in the Section has the opportunity to attend at least one nights away experience each year.
    • Actively support and promote the achievement of badges and awards in particular the Chief Scoutsā€™ Award.
    • Actively work with other scout groups to support and promote Group or multi-section activities and events.
    • Ensure regular opportunities are provided for young people to express their views on the programme and running on the Section, and that those views are taken into account.
    • Take part in scout leaders' meetings.

    Additional Responsibilities carried out;
    1.Role as Literally coordinator :
    • Prepare an action plan for Literary activities for the particular academic year.
    • Disseminate work responsibilities to the committee members.
    • Include all the literary programs in the school diary to enhance literacy skills- reading, writing, listening and speaking in children.
    • Prepare an annual literary magazine based on the edited student-members literary piece.
    • Organize an annual reading festival so as to fascinate and cherish good reading habits in every toddling reader (end of reading week).
    • Compile literary pieces for final literary club exhibition.
    • Organize literary activities and competitions among the houses/classes.
    • Encourage all students to participate in literary activities (mass participation).
    • Coordinate wall magazines and literary board.
    • Keep record of literary competition.
    • Evaluate cross-curricular literacy initiatives and report on progress and areas for development.
    • Ensure literacy remains a focus in whole school and departmental developments.
    • Track the progress of literacy skills of all pupils against targets in reading, comprehension, and writing.

    2.Role as Head of English Department:
    • Head English Department.
    • Actively assist the Head of School in ensuring the good professional practice, standards, and quality of teaching and learning of subject/s through proper discussion with the subject experts.
    • promote a healthy process of reciprocal informal observation of class teaching practices;
    • Set examination papers, co-ordinating marking schemes and moderating examinations and assessment processes at oneā€™s school as well as in other schools;
    • Ensure that the maintenance and upkeep of equipment related to the subject at school is regularly carried out;
    • Prepare specifications and budgets for the requirements of the subject-specific teaching tools and equipment, including laboratory equipment;
    • Mentor other teachers in the subject/level of their speciality;
    • Hold and lead regular departmental meetings and ensure to keep minutes of meetings.
    • develop and sustain appropriate structures for management, consultation, decision-making and communication with staff and students.
    • ensure all staff have access to the necessary support to enable them to contribute fully and develop their skills and experience

    3.Role as a Cultural Coordinator:
    • Prepare an Action Plan for cultural activities with the committee members .
    • Disseminate the work responsibilities within the committee members and mentor them.
    • Plan and organize an annual school concert as per the school calendar.
    • Organize school intra and inter class cultural competition.(Encourage studentā€™s participation.)
    • Coordinate songs and dances for any occasion in and out of the school.
    • Prepare issue form for borrowing of cultural items.
    • Keep proper records of all sorts of collections and bills counter signed by the committee for transparency and accountability.
    • Review effectiveness and improvement of the cultural programs in the coordination meetings.

      • cultural greenery

    • Inculcate cultural and religious values in students.Preserve and promote tradition and culture in the school.
    • Keep records of the cultural competition.
    • Encourage studentsā€™ participation in different genres of songs, dances and music.
    • Plan and initiate cultural tours or cultural exchange programs and cultural picnics.
    • Exhibit cultural programs in any local festival.

    4.Role as Focal Person for Trainee Teachers :
    • Coordinate meetings with the Supervisory lecturer and collect the names and subject of all trainee teachers prior to them joining the school.
    • Meet the head of school and find out who the entitled teacher name list for trainee teachers.
    • Assign each assigned teacher their trainee teacher and give out the set rules of doā€™s and donā€™t with them.
    • Take the new trainee teachers for campus orientation and introduce them to their mentor and their work rooms.
    • Look after the welfare of each trainee teacher and cater to their needs.
    • Coordinate with the SL and provide monthly feedback in their overall performance.
    • Coordinate welcome and farewell party for them.

    B. Exam Results:
    • 100%pass percentage in my subject for the last 16 years of my teaching career.
    • ā€˜manyā€™ children achieved higher than their predicted grade. 30% of my students performed better than their predicted result or 97% achieved their predicted grade or above in your Annual exam.

    C. Remarkable Student Progress:
    • Two of my students topped the national level examinations in class 10 and 12.
    • Few weaker children showed drastic improvements in their academic performance with extra guidance and moral support.
    • Few of my children improved their self esteem and improved their overall performance in school.

    D. Teacher to a Royal Grandchildren :
    1. Sersang Primary School is the school for the elite. The proprietor of the school is the former minister of ministry of education, Lynpo Sangay Nidup; brother to Bhutan's four queen mother.

    1. The school has only 100 students in the primary category and 8 students in the Early Child Care Center.

    1. Teachers with very high qualifications , a large number of teaching experience , international experience and good recommendations from the previous school head will only get selected to become the teacher of Sersang School.

    1. So I feel that none can be a biggest testimony to my work done as a teacher for having been selected to become the faculty member of Sersang Primary school.

    * All through my teaching period , I have been teaching class Pre primary to 10 grade. Itā€™s mandatory for secondary teachers to take up any level till grade 10.

    *All the schools I worked in have classes Pp to 8 for lower secondary school and PP to 10 for middle secondary school.

    *I was engaged with children as small as children from daycare to class 6 for the last two years.

    *As a teacher of position level P5 to P3 , he / she must serve their role as classroom teacher, subject teacher house master and all others fall into extra responsibility that a teacher has shouldered in his service to school.

    ā€œThe future of the nation lies in the hands of our younger generation, it is therefore crucial that they live up to our high expectations and ensure the continued well-being of the people and security of the nationā€

    His Majesty the 4th King Jigme Singye Wangchuck <3
    Role of the teacher in the contemporary Bhutanese Society is huge and I am happy that I am part of this system.

    Thank you for your time
    Sonam Yangchen

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Bhutan, thank you for sharing your resume with us.
I'm.not sure anyone can do so.
It would be best to have it done privately. I hope you will be ok

Thank you for running through my resume . Very much appreciated you views.

You are welcome

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