Who am i?
Who are you? For a long time this was a straight forward question to answer, if asked I would list all my accomplishments thus far, then I grew wiser and I realized it is indeed a hard question to answer, if you think critically now do you believe you are capable of answering this question effectively and exhaustively? (I’m asking you....who are you)
Why do I say so? Because all I think I am is based upon what you currently know about yourself, right? But then there’s more so much more that you barely know about yourself...why because you have been doing the same things over and over, using the same part of your brain, how about doing more new, different things that begin to unravel a new part of you, that even you didn’t know existed. For example, wear your hair different, dress in new colours, talk to a stranger, wake up at 5am, dance in the middle of your work ... what I mean is be spontaneous break routine in your life, become unpredictable and enjoy life. Live and let live!
Try your hand at a new skill and do not judge the outcome, the idea is to uncover more of you, so do more uncomfortable things, as that is where your major breakthrough lies. Replay back at how hard you saw your current job, when someone else was doing it, then you began doing it and you were so nervous, messed up in the beginning but as you kept doing it you got the hang of it, everything new sends jitters our way, but we challenge ourselves and face it and slowly we become confident and then complacent after doing it over years. We kill our personal growth if we keep doing the same thing over and over, as human beings we get bored and stop growing and we plateau, killing our enthusiasm and excitement for life. That is, why we need to keep raising our bar, remember back in school, when you got to the end of the school year even if you were the best in that class, you had to move to the next class; because that is the way it is meant to be. Even in life you begin From an infant, to a toddler to a child, to a teenager, to an adult. Even in insects they have a life cycle so do plants, that is, how nature was created! No stage in life is prolonged because you are having so much fun or have gotten so good at that point, no life will push you to the next stage when the time comes.
Observe your current life, the universe is a beautiful and a very fair place, at each point in your life, when you are ready for the next step, signs begin to appear subtly, sometimes you are too preoccupied with other things and you do not notice, so it will keep sending you signs and when you ignore them, it will find a way to force you into taking action, so be still and listen and observe, the answers you have been asking for are right there before you.
Live full Die Empty!
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I like this. Keep up the Great Work. We need to get out of our Comfort Zone and Live. Experience Life to the fullest. Thanks for Sharing!!