Made an affiliate sale today.

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So today I made a sale of a custom keto product from clickbank. Made $24.95 in commission. Let's just say it's been a while....

Don't get me wrong.. if you've never made an affiliate commission, it's pretty dang exciting.

So yes, I am excited, but the work is just getting started.

A few years ago, I was making about $300-$1000 a day in commission, so I still have a lot of work to do...

...however, this is a nice first step.


I am going to provide a little more value here and describe how the sale occured...

I used to target a product called "the Simple Keto System", it's more of a private affiliate program from some folks I've promoted for years in the dating advice niche. (*side note: private affiliate programs are almost always better than the big drive by affiliate marketplaces like clickbank - simply because the competion is soooo much easier - however finding them is the real secret here). There was a time a new product came out that was paying $100 CPA and I was like the only person promoting it... my 8 videos made like $1k a day for a while, it was great. OK back to the explanation. I believe I rank #1 or #2 for the term "simple keto system review". I also have a video on the first page of google.

I wasn't happy with the payout from that affiiate program so I hot swapped the link from the first offer to the one for Clickbank's "Custom Keto"

I believe the site that got the sale was:

Although I have 4 of the top 10 and 7 of the top 20 results (that helps), this is the first or second result on Google for "Simple Keto System Review" (wrong product, but same niche so the offer works, kinda).

OK nice right? Now we need to sweeten things up more.

More articles, more videos, and now target the KW 'Custom Keto review'. But wait, this is going to be super hard as this is a total pay to play niche (your money or your life), and all of the results are on news sites (it costs between $500 to $10,000) to get a review page on one of these sites. I know it works, but I don't have the money for that game (at the moment).

So do I give up? Nope - I do this instead.

I use Google instant to tell me everything that google thinks is related to custom keto.

Look at all those other keywords. Those are the keywords that for the most part will be your H2 tags on the main review page. So to expand on this:

My review would have the following H2 headings and about 100-500 words of content related to that keyword.

So I would choose these as my H2s (keywords in bold)

What do you get with the Custom Keto Meal Plan?
Is Custom Keto a Diet Plan?
Can you get the Custom Keto Diet For Free?

Get it? Try to cover ALL the phrases that google is telling YOU are important.

Now I also do the same for those keywords.

I should have a bout 20 or so keywords all related to the keto niche.

And I would write or hire someone to write those articles.

Example titles:
How The Keto Diet Works?
Is The Keto Diet Safe?
What Is Ketosis?
Is It Safe For Your Body To Be In Ketosis?
How Do You Know When You Are In Ketosis?

I really like these supporting on site articles to be in the form of a question (so when a searcher asks the question, Google knows you're site has the answer).

This all increases your topical relevance, and you will get traffic from all those long tail keywords, and if those articles have a great call to action and your site is seen as having E-A-T, you will get a sale.

More on E-A-T in a second.

Don't forget to have all of those articles link to the main review page (the money page), however have CTA's on those articles for people in the decision phase of the purchase cycle.



Do that a few dozen times over the course of a year and you will make a full time income.

I have some SEO advice I may share later. I am connected with some real SEO ninjas online.

It is VERY advanced and probably requires too much effort and investment for most (even myself in most cases), however it WORKS like crazy and can be used to rank for just about anything. If I get enough interest, I may share - however it may just muddy the waters tbh.

Comment below if this helps ya at all.


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Recent Comments


Congrats on your sale friend. If you've made very good commissions on your affiliate before, then there's a chance that you will do better. It's not like your first time in the affiliate game. But it does help getting some tips from a person such as yourself. I appreciate you sharing this. Thanks. All the best!

Well done!
You must be over the moon
Keep the momentum going

Great job, Bill! Congrats!

I'm interested in your SEO tips.


That is good step.

Well done Bill!!

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