healthy is wise
Hi ! You beautifull people if you are wondering what happend to me , its this I am diabetic and 300lbs , my right knee is gone , I almost cant walk , I have C O P D if you smoke stop this will get you , my health is bad , I know I cant turn back time , so im going to hav to change what im doing with it. Really thats what we do here at wealthy affiliates change what we'er doing with are lifes. Im having a gastric bypas done , ive been looking at this for a year , I was hearing horror stories. So if anyone has a success story pleas share. Iam doing it , I just would like some good things to hear.its a big life change, and im brave , but still have my eyes closed, We can only imagen what is going to happen , but until it really is what is we can only imagen. So getting a body part being cut off being a good thing its strange. So thats what im doing , then im going to have my knee fixed , thats a lot for me. I do plane on commiing back to wealthy affiliates, but at this time I have a lot on my plate. So I hope that you keep me in your prayers, and GD bless you all.
Recent Comments
Get the surgery and start over again. Wishing you all the best! After surgery look into healthy eating and continue to get better!
Thankyou I will.