Getting Over Writers Block

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How many times will I rewrite the same sentence? Probably 100, cause that is the way my mind works. I will write and then rest before publishing. Then after publishing the article, there will be subtle changes that occur over time. The words or phrasing will change. An extra sentence added or deleted. A link to necessary material will be found.

I joined WA about 2 weeks ago and when I found that I would need to create a blog--there were no worries. I mean none, my gift of gab runs a over the river and through the woods. But then it happened. Not the "life got in the way" that keeps you from being productive; but the brain fart that keeps you from gaining momentum.

I was stuck in the grip of writers block. Me with all the words to use, suddenly had nothing to say. I found my niche and took all my normal steps to create articles. Topics were found, key words illustrated, ideas swirled; but nothing hit the paper. Do you know how hard it is to look at a keyboard and computer screen for 3 hours and nothing gets done? For those who like to write, its like somebody trying to get you to write in a pitch black room. You have no idea how it looks, or if it reads well. You only hope to get it finished so somebody will turn on the light and let you look at it.

So how did I get over it and start producing material? I stopped trying. Instead of making my head hurt trying to get the outlines done, I simply put the material away.

WA offers continued training which I proceeded to do. There was quite a bit that could be accomplished in the interim such as redoing my Google+ account and focusing on other social media outlets.

I also got my children involved. There were things they could help me with, so that I wasn't feeling like I was so swamped and getting nothing accomplished. My oldest is teaching me Pinterest (no laughing) so that I can add this into the blog later. They also assist in smaller things that need to happen such as product research. By the way, in case you didn't know...I have boys. Do you know how hard it is to get a 14 year old boy to cooperate in anything "girlie?" Just wait until I have him monitoring the email -- he's gonna love that.

In the mean time, work was getting done and unbeknownst to me, so were the outlines to my articles. Instead of whining that I couldn't get it done, I simply did something else.

That would be my advice for anyone who is struggling through Writers Block. Do not force yourself to do something that mentally is not going to happen. Redirect yourself to another part of the business that needs to get done. Give feedback on someone elses's articles. Drop a message to your sponsor. Go and do something with the family. It may take a few day (or in my case a week), but you will be productive and the articles will get written.

Take a moment and breath...I'll see you at the end

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Taking a moment to breathe is always a good idea! One other way to get over writers block is to just sit down and write - on anything. Stream of consciousness stuff. You get so use to writing that focusing on a topic becomes much easier. And remember, it doesn't have to be 100% perfect as a blog post - it can be 90%, 92%, 95%, 98% - as long as there is nothing incorrect, hit publish!

Hello JeannineC,

That is so true. Writing on one particular topic can seem stressful but it doesn't have to be. Heck I missed the target in giving one guy feedback because I did not see that he wanted feedback on the site layout.

But a break really helped out and now the rainbow is starting to break through lmao.

I'll take your advice PUBLISH it is


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