The Best Place To Be is Here


August of 2016 is when I joined Wealth Affiliate. The idea of working from home has appealed to me for a long time. There have been a number advertisements I’ve seen but the reviews have kept me looking. The last time I was listening to a sales pitch about a company I heard the words , “ They are one of the best….”. I thought I had better find the best. Wealth Affiliate did not have any negative reviews I could find.

I began as a pothole on the information highway and within a month I have a website that I built and understand. I understand search engines and optimization . I know what a landing page is and how it is a powerful tool. In short I am so proud of myself. I can do it. There were times when it seemed like my first time driving or diving but Kyle and Jay made things so easy to understand. The only limitations I had were of my own doing. Looking back on the training I could have completed training at a faster pace if I had been able to commit to a niche and the habit of creating content.

Selling products that I made in my art studio was my primary goal when I began. My eyes have been opened since then and I see a broader picture. There is a world of opportunity out there and I want to enjoy taking part in it online from wherever I am.

The great support here at Wealth Affiliate is something I have never experienced online. Help is available all the time. Thank you to everyone for being so welcoming. It feels really good. I am a very private person, not even being on Facebook. Here everyone is ambitious and focused on success of themselves and others and it FEELS GOOD. I appreciate the sharing.

Too often when you don't know the answer to something its just because you aren't calm enough to hear the answer. My niche became Me after much hemming and hawing about it. What do I want to do ? Help people to feel and recognize what is good about themselves and their lives. My own empowerment and development comes from stretching out beyond my terror barrier. Recently I heard a speaker say:

“ Most of us tiptoe through life hoping to make it safely to death ! “

I have fallen a victim to depression so many times . When I look back I see how difficult it is to get help and to accept help. Things can seem so dark. I get that. Loss of your own power makes your Ego strong enough to jump off a bridge or at least want to. Being aware of what you are thinking and how you are feeling is a habit I use everyday to keep me from slipping . That awareness of thought and proactive approach to direct that thought is what I hope to share with my site.

My goal in the next three months is to earn a total of 500 dollars. My six month goal is 500 to 1000 each month. I have seen from others here at WA that if you want a career on line you just have to follow the recipe. All of us can do better by keeping our mind on our goal and by the repetition of working at it on a regular schedule. I want to do this full time but I find it a struggle to stay focussed at home. For those of you who have a full time job it is important to realize how much effort you put in for someone else and then decide you can do better for yourself. The sooner you realize this the sooner you will be working from home and wondering why you procrastinated so long.

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I wish you all the best moving forward :)

Keep u the good work.

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