Don't Look Back


After four months here at Wealth Affiliate I can say it has been a great experience for me . The idea of building and managing a website was overwhelming at first but the lessons and the and Live classes and the community Spirit here create a no fail environment. With a desire to succeed and devoting your time we will do well.

It is work. I tell myself it is like push starting a bulldozer. That would be a big task. Once you got the engine going you have a powerful machine. A big hurdle is the outside world. It’s not just the distractions of the outside world but the personal relationships you have . This is not the business where success and income happen within two weeks. Small successes can happen each day, every time you finish a lesson. I have had to defend my interest against a distressing amount of enthusiasm from friends and family . The ‘show me the money” attitude discourages me at times and I have let it get to me. It has held me back from creating content because I feel that self doubt. At the same time my progress has far surpassed those who have not moved at all. Don't look back at who is behind you. Accept criticism with gratitude when it comes from further up your ladder.

My self doubt disappeared two weeks ago when I had done a search of one of my keywords and my website came up on page one six spots down with my blog and picture. That was a “Yes” moment. I don't know how that happened. But it did happen and I bragged about it for a few days. Today I cant find my site with the same keyword search but it will happen again and next time I am going to be more active on my site and keep my position.

My niche is for people who are struggling with self doubt and limitation. I want people to find their own power. It is hard to think your way out of circumstances but I have taken some great courses that have helped me move forward with my life. We are a collection of habits (Your Paradigm ) . We have our routine of physically doing things every day. We also have our routine way of looking at the world. If you are not happy you have some rethinking to do. My site is going to develop out of my own experiences as I grow. I hope others will relate and share skills for success.

I have surpassed my three month goal of having a site and an understanding of the of the online marketing process. My second goal is to build some traffic to my site and to become an active member here at WA. This is a great place and I thank you all for the support and the energy that comes through . I feel good here and that feeling grows.

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Everything about your effort is great.
Hope you happy from learning and journey on internet marketing.

Looks like it is all coming together for you, all the best for the coming months.

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