What goes down luckily goes up. :
So i have a youtube channel and lately the revenue has been going down down down... :(
From about 200 $ a month down to lowest 150 (estimated)
When i checked the channel a few days ago it looked like for some strange reason that youtube had disabled monetization on one (or more) of my monetized videos :S
But now it's going back up again thankfully :)
Decided to add a new video and i think the revenue should continue to rise again.
I doubt that with this channel i'll be able to make a f full living no matter how many videos i add since it's such a small niche but it would be nice to be able to bump it up to 500 $ at least.
So my point with this thread. is
- Keep checking regularily on your videos that they are IN FACT monetized
- Do frequent keyword research and take a look at what people are looking for, especially your competition. Add THEIR keywords to your.
- Subscribers aren't everything. Actually the subscribers don't really matter that much i'd even go as far to say it plays a very small role in your earnings.
- Make good content and keep adding new content frequently.
This gives some good ideas on keyword research
Anywho i hope my short post here will inspire your youtube entrepreneurship.
Recent Comments
Ivar, I know you aren't happy to hear that your earnings decreased but I must say that I am impressed to hear that you are making money through YouTube at all. I mean that as a compliment because I have never done that myself but admire you for doing it. Sometimes I think it will fluctuate but I bet you can keep increasing sales when you pinpoint what works best and what doesn't. I don't know if you are a big Twitter fan but I've found that the easiest way to send traffic to my website is by sharing links (I shorten them with the Google URL shortener) and inspiring photos. You can even view your Tweet activity if you sign it up as a business account.
Anyway that is just my 2 cents. Keep going and growing. You will get where you want to be. You've got this. Good luck!
Hi Allison thanks for the tip. Not a big twitter fan but i don't have a webpage for this niche. I'm making all the money on youtube itself ;)