Embeding a Youtube video -UPDATE !
The whole worlds gone crazy ! That's what a former co-worker used to tell me. I'm starting to believe it ! So if you read my last blog on this subject or don't go back and review your post, well things have changed since then.
Have you noticed that when you embed a Youtube video on your post, that after the video finishes, little boxes of "recommended" videos show up ? Well they do. Some of these "recommended videos" may even be contradicting the point that you are trying to make. AAGGGGHHHH !!!!
So today 5/18/15,I was doing research for a upcoming post. I was looking of videos to support my point and cleared watch history and search history like I said to do in my last blog. Low and behold, it doesn't work now !
Now I did research on this topic and found that everyone, even on Wordpress blogs, was having this problem. Then I discovered that Google owns Youtube. They are watching everything that you are searching for! Check out Wired.com says http://www.wired.com/2015/05/youtube-future/.
As sure as the sun rises, Youtube marketers wake up every morning and try to find some way to keep their jobs.
The new and maybe not for long method that I found is this :
1) Click share.
2) Click embed.
3) Under the code it says show more, click that. Some check off boxes will appear.
4) Click "Show suggested videos when the video finishes".
5) Make sure that box is blank.
This is the latest and greatest that I can find as of this moment. There is no guarantee that this will work when the sun comes up again.
We can only hope for a cure !
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