Your Never Alone At WA, Help From GrandpaMike


Picture By Jordan McQueen at

This post was inspired by the WA COMMUNITY and in particular GrandpaMike, who kindly offered his help and this is my reply to him.

After re-reading back to myself, I thought, why not post it, as you can see I have not exactly been a consistent blogging machine, since I joined! ( yes, I know, just 2, )

So here I am , learning along the way and increasing my blogs by 50% :-)

There is also 1 or 2 interesting topics for discussion about WA, in the reply + a bit of waffle from me for good measure !

SEE if you can pick up on the topics before I mention them at the end.

Hi Mike,
thanks for the super info,
it really helped me to make sense now, although I realize there will be a lot more mistakes, made by me, along the way.

I know I will take the yearly option eventually, probably in the new year.This is a great site and I do intend to stay here, I suppose I was looking for some success first, to kind of justify the commitment.
Strange I know, only the commitment will bring the success.
I suppose its like putting the cart in front of the horse !
I will get them the right way round eventually :-)

I currently have sights, in the start up process, as well as the site. NO WONDER I FEEL LIKE I AM GETTING LOST. Your advice on concentrating on the most important thing first was a great help.

The other 2 sites are totally different from the site rubix one.
The 1st is about life.(I Recently changed my outlook on life )
The 2nd site is more connected to fitness and the gym +
I have ideas, I really don't know how to begin them and the best options for them.

I played football (or soccer as some people call it ) from a small child and was fortunate enough to play professionally for about 10 years, although not at the highest level and have always had an interest in sport and sport related things.( Reason for site 2.)

I like you, am also a 60's child, born 1960, although, not quite a grandpa yet :-)
My daughter, Natalie, is 23 is and a school teacher,who leaves home in about 2 weeks, to move into her first house .
Where did that time go.

I know the feeling, when you fill those forms in online and those drop down years appear............. Yes and you have to keep scrolling to find the year you were born +
Hair starts disappearing off your head and growing like crazy out of your ears, nose and other strange places :-0

I wish I could write content like this for my site, ha,ha
but I feel restricted writing on my website, not because of SEO'S ,
I dont even know enough about them yet !

WOW, I feel like I have opened up to an online agony aunt.

Sorry back to my sites.

Time to focus on just 1, get my thinking cap on and make it unique,+ looking more closely into what benefits I am offering and not dive in head first, to naming my site.

Sounds like a good post for your site Mike, although you may have covered it already, lol

You have given me fantastic help Mike( or would you prefer grandpamike ? ) and loads of great studying material to now catch up on.
I am currently a shift worker and back to work tomorrow :-(
so for the moment a little bit short on time.

I am excited now and look forward to working on,ONE and only ONE of my sites soon, after I have done some studying and come up with some kind of plan.


1. PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP, as you may have picked up on, I pay monthly at the moment. Benefits of taking the plunge and going yearly.

2.Taking advantage of the super community and tapping into its vast wealth of knowledge.

3. Do not overburden yourself, especially when starting up and Focus on the most important, immediate tasks, until they are done.

4.Content writing, being, feeling constricted, when writing.

How to try to write freely, naturally, not what you think will get results.

I think this is correct ? any seasoned campaigners out there, that want to add, or correct any of my info, please feel free.

5.Offer some kind of benefit to your visitors and make your site unique.

6. Take ,care,time and research, over the naming of your website, maybe because the naming part of developing your website is relatively cheap, I certainly did not give this the Importance it deserves

7. This is the last 1, be truthful and do not over exaggerate.

( I know I said, can you find 1 or 2 topics at the beginning and I finished with 7 ! )

That will be my last exaggeration lol

Time to finish now, sorry for the lack of images.

I hope, especially for newbies like myself, they can use something they find, in this post to blog about.

Thanks again, all at WA, far to many members to mention, but especially, GrandpaMike and PJ Germain for all their support,


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Hi that's great i hope I can write something like this thank you. Al the best Anthony

You definitely can Tony, I just replied to Mike as I would to anyone that I would have a natural, relaxed conversation with. Then just re read what you have written a couple of times, to check you are happy with it and post.
You do not have to achieve perfection , just enjoy and have fun with it.
+ dont forget there is a fantastic experienced community here, only to happy to help
Best wishes
Graham ☺

Thanks graham when we were kids we never got much education but it nice to have so many people to join

You can do it, Believe in yourself, you can, you will ! :-)

me too!!

Thanks to your Grandpa for the encouragement to be on the right track.

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