Why me? Why that's the wrong question to ask
Why me? This is a common question or remark that we hear people say. But it is usually in response to something negative. You hardly hear someone say 'why me?' when things are going well. This was going through my mind today as I was thinking how lucky I am to have found WA. I was wondering what lies behind the 'why me' that we at times hear others or ourselves ask, when something not so nice happens.
So let's assume you'd hear someone ask 'why me' when something negative occurs, and you'd ask 'yeah, indeed why you?' - So they might say, 'well... because I'm a loser, an idiot, bad luck comes my way' etc.
If something positive occurs and you'd push the one saying 'why me' and say 'yeah, why you?'. The answer should be 'well.... because I'm a winner, a clever guy/girl, good luck comes my way' etc.
But can you intuitively see that we are more tended to the former? This concept is something I elaborate on in my blogs, which is that deep down we feel more like failures than we do as winners. This is rooted in childhood wounds.
But right now, I'd like to say that I'm overjoyed to have found WA. I feel immensely supported, I am enjoying the great lessons and feel like I'm learning daily. And when I ask 'why me?', I say 'because I didn't give up and was determined to find a program that fits me and I'm glad to have found it'.
Next time something great comes your way - ask yourself 'why me?' and give yourself at least as much credit as when you give yourself negative self-talk.
All the best,
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Having that internal debate can be where the change starts, so many get bent out of shape, by the ebb and flow of life.
The key can be to learn how to roll with the punches.
WA has to be one of those unique corners of the online space, and some days we make the right decisions.