Onto The Next Level
Quick update. Finally, onto level 4!
I don't use social media much anymore, so this should be interesting getting back into it. I only have a Facebook account that I log into about once a month or even less, typically to watch some funny/entertaining videos my friends tag me in. Other than that, I don't really care to see what people are up to, and if I do, I will text, call, or talk to them in person.
So yeah, this should be interesting getting back into it, which I'm ultimately not looking forward to, but I understand the benefit for my online business.
Over the past few months, I have made some money off of my site, but nothing substantial to keep me from ever working again. It is a start though.
At this point, I wanted to be able to write posts quicker, but that unfortunately hasn't changed yet.
Learning lots of good info here at WA, but I also have seen myself drift away and not be as focused as I was in the beginning. I don't want to lose hope and give up, so I need to try to remain motivated and patient, which I believe are the most important traits to have when starting up a business.
I hope to get into that high gear again where I'm completely invested, but I'm not going to lie, it is difficult. Wish me luck!
Recent Comments
It can be difficult at times, no question. Life gets in the way, things happen, moods vary. The real secret is determination. You don’t just have to want it, you have to commit to it. Believe you will do it, and make it happen. In the words of Captain Planet “The power is yours!”