How to Build an Email List For Your Blog

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Hello WA Family,

How is your week going, I would love to hear from anyone interested in sharing. How to build an email list for your blog is what we will be talking about in this post, so whenever you are ready let us begin.

How to Build Your Email List Guide

1. Know Your Audience and Goals

  • Who are you trying to reach?
  • Understanding your ideal reader's interests and problems is key.
  • What do you want your email list to achieve?
  • Building a community, promoting content, or driving sales are all possibilities.

Once you answer the questions above you are ready to go to the next step in building your email marketing list.

2. Choose an Email Service Provider

  • Services like ConvertKit, or Constant Contact help you manage email addresses, design newsletters, and track results.
  • Consider factors like pricing, features, and ease of use when choosing a service.

3. Create Valuable Lead Magnets

  • Focus on providing something genuinely valuable that solves a problem for your audience.

4. Strategically Place Opt-in Forms

  • Use a mix of signup forms to capture leads

Sidebar opt-in

  • A constant presence on your blog.


  • Grab attention but use them sparingly to avoid being intrusive.

End-of-post opt-in

  • Capitalize on reader engagement after they've finished your content.

The majority of people dislike popup signup forms, but if you have your heart using one have it popup sparingly.

5. Welcome Email Series

  • This is your first impression, so make it count.
  • Introduce yourself, explain what your subscribers can expect, and highlight the benefits of being on your list.
  • Consider a multi-part series delivering valuable content or tips spread over a few emails.

6. Promote Your Opt-in

  • Don't limit promotion to your blog.
  • Share your lead magnets on social media, guest posts, and even your email signature.

7. Analyze and Optimize

  • Track your email marketing performance using your email service analytics.
  • See what opt-in forms convert best, and what content resonates with your audience, and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Provide high-quality, consistent content that keeps readers engaged and coming back for more. This will naturally encourage them to subscribe for updates.

Beginner-Friendly Email Services

When it comes to reputable email services for beginners, there are a few strong options to consider.

Free Service


  • Stands out for its focus on security and privacy, with built-in encryption.

Zoho Mail

  • Offers a free plan with generous storage and features like mobile apps and custom domains (paid plans for increased limits).

Next, we are going to learn how to choose the best email service provider for you.

Choosing the Best Email Service for Affiliate Marketers

Selecting the right email service provider is crucial for affiliate marketers. Here's a guide to help you find the perfect fit for your business, and you.

1. Consider Your Needs

  • How many subscribers do you have, and how fast is your list growing?
  • Freemium plans might work for smaller lists, while larger lists need scalable solutions.

Email Marketing Features

Prioritize features to consider

  • Create automated email sequences based on subscriber behavior (e.g., welcome series, abandoned cart reminders).
  • Focus emails to specific subscriber segments for better engagement.
  • Design dedicated landing pages to promote affiliate offers effectively.
  • Track email performance metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversions.
  • Does the service integrate with your affiliate programs, website platform, or Customer Relationship Management) software?

2. Explore Your Options

Here are some reputable email services with strong features for affiliate marketers


  • Known for its user-friendly interface, powerful automation capabilities, and built-in webinar hosting (great for promoting affiliate products).


  • Offers advanced automation, segmentation tools, and a CRM for managing affiliate relationships.


  • Caters to creators and bloggers, with landing page creation and tagging features for subscriber segmentation.


  • Tailored for affiliate marketing, with features like dynamic content insertion (personalize emails with subscriber data) and real-time reporting.

3. Pricing and Value

  • Compare pricing plans offered by different services. Freemium plans might be suitable while starting, but paid plans often unlock essential features for affiliate marketing.
  • Look beyond just cost. Consider the value proposition - features, support, and scalability - offered by each service.

4. Ease of Use

  • While powerful features are attractive, ensure the service has a user-friendly interface that allows you to navigate and create email campaigns intuitively.
  • Look for readily available tutorials, support resources, and customer service to help you get started.

5. Free Trials and Reviews

  • Most email service providers offer free trials.
  • Utilize trial periods to test features, assess deliverability rates, and get a feel for the platform before committing.
  • Read online reviews and testimonials from other affiliate marketers to gain insights into user experiences.

Compliance with Anti-Spam Laws

  • Ensure your chosen service adheres to anti-spam regulations like CAN-SPAM (US) and GDPR (EU) to maintain a healthy email list and avoid deliverability issues.

By following these steps and considering your specific needs as an affiliate marketer, you'll be well-equipped to choose the right email service provider and take your affiliate marketing campaigns to the next level.

Final Thoughts

I tried to include enough in this guide to help you to choose the best email service provider, any questions or comments are welcome. Tips from experienced members would be awesome, you don't need to be shy about sharing.

I hope you found this helpful,


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Recent Comments


Do you have any experience with MailChimp? When I took my hiatus, I set up a MailChimp account but never did anything with it. The last time I checked, I could no longer log into it. I don't remember much about it. I had to use Constant Contact when I was still in the workforce, and I hated it. Of course, that was years ago, so I don't know what it is like now.

I have started considering trying email campaigns again, but I am not sure what I want to use.


Hello Nancy

I also am in the same boat as you with setting up a newsletter on my websites, I used MailChimp many years ago. They are not fond of affiliate marketing, so I will not use them again

I am sorry you had a bad experience using Constant Contact, I have not used that one yet.

There are WordPress plugin newsletter that I have never used as well, so we both are trying to figure out how to get started at the same time


Hey Jeff!
Before I read this, I was just planning to set up another email account to my existing Gmail, but with (my business name I was going to add that to my website as how to contact me. I just haven't set it up yet. But now, I see I may need an email service in the future with an auto responder. I don't really need that right now though, as I have 0 subscribers! 🤦‍♀️🤪 So should I go ahead and set up the Gmail as planned, and then later when I get to that point in my business set up something else with an auto responder? Or would that be confusing to people, and should set up something with an auto responder from the very start, even though I don't need it right now?
Thanks for your advice!

Hello Jena

If you sign up with an email service most of your concerns will be taken care of, I would set up a business email here at WA.

I hope this helps

Great info for anyone here starting out building an email list Jeff!

Much appreciated as always my friend!

Thank you very much Jessie

I hope you are doing well with your business


You're most welcome Jeff and after the recent updates things could be going better my friend!

Yes, in all keep things simple precise and clear the contents as well matters in the writing style, The presentation style and Product specilisation in the market counts as well, for customer satisfaction

Thanks very much for advice and post.



Hello Clo

Thank you again for sharing. We all learn from one another in WA


Thanks for support,
Have a blessed day,


This is something I've been thinking about. Great timing and great info!

Thanks Jeff!

Tim 🎼

Hello Tim

I am happy to hear I wrote this post at the right time. Once I get more posts on my websites, I also am going to work on my email lists.


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