About AndreaRoa
Rank 11127
606 followers Joined October 2013
Hello Wealthy Affiliate Community! I'm Andrea from Colombia. I'm passionate about travelling not only because I get to see beautiful spots and places but because of





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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Hey guys!

This is a question for all WA ambassadors and all those WAers that rank in Top 50.

How much money are you already earning with your blogs every month? And

Hello Andrea,

Are you still pursuing and affiliated with this site? I'm a little disappointed to see that in one year, you only earned $17 and that was 3 years ago. Were you paying the $59/month for Premium Membership at the time? Now I'm concerned about the ROI with this, after reading your comment. I find it interesting that not a lot of people identify how much income they are bringing in, correlated to the time they put in, and how long they've been on the site. I'd be interested to see some of those numbers, if anyone is willing to share this information!?

I can't say for others but I am with WA from the end of October 2017, I am sure that it takes at least one year more to start earning money, my business is still very immature.

I agree with everything Joseph had to say all the best

Thank you Max!

You're so right about the Amazon Store, Hecre! It is not really adding anything to my blog. I'm not really making any sales from it. I added it as an experiment just to see how it worked, but for sure I will remove it. Thanks for all your feedback, I really appreciate it. I do feel I need to focus and learn more about ranking and stuff.
Thanks again Hecre :)

Anytime with whatever few things I can contribute with :-)

I think your site looks awesome, and if its ranking ok but not converting, its probably where you should try to focus. Try to move the links/call to actions to other parts up/down, make them more visible.

Try out some different placement and styles on different posts, and see what converts better.

For me as a user of your site, I don't think its lacking anything. Good amount of content and pro looking + personal passion. But I'm not sure if the amazon store on your site does you any good. It could look like you are trying to sell me something instead of helping me.

With my main business being in real life, I know how important guidance and customer service is, and my own idea is clearly to bring these aspects to my own site as top priority.

Well just a few inputs from an offline guy, and a noob at online. When I start making online money real soon, I'll be happy to share it, but as it stands right now its $0.00 :-)

I like this topic. Whatever people are earning they should be proud of it. I suppose it would be nice if we could get a basic summary for example: "Traffic to site 10000pm, People who set up their account 100, people who go premium 12, yearly 1" If someone experienced could give us a rough calculation like this I would be happy. Maybe its more complicated than that though....

haha Yeah! I so agree with you Charlie. Like I replied to Steve in the message below, I've done everything WA teaches and suggests. And after a year... this is all I got. I also want an explanation! That's why I'm inviting ambassadors (to me, synonym of experience and knowledge) to help me out within my learning process.

I've been working on my WA affiliate site for six months. My traffic has more than doubled each of the last three months.

This month I have had about 2000 visitors so far,10 WA referrals, 4 of them filled out their profiles and 1 has gone premium. I've also had 20+ referrals to other sites as well which has provided about $25 in affiliate revenue so far.

I'm definitely still in the beginners stages. My numbers aren't spectacular in terns of conversions, but they're getting better and my traffic has been increasing almost exponentially lately. So... I'm excited to see what is to come in the next few months!

Ambassadorship doesn't give you any indication how successful we are with out sites.
You can always PM me if you have any questions :)

Yeah I know Steve :) thanks.
I don't mean to ask how much money are ambassador making because of their ambassadorship.
I'd just like to know if being an ambassador here is kind of directly related to the earnings each of you are making with your blogs. I mean, are you earning real amounts of money?

I'm kind of desperate today with WA. I've been here for a year and I've earned so far around 17 dollars. I've followed all directions of WA, I've taken all the lessons. I actually read related content all the time. And still after a year... that's all I got.
Would you mind checking out my page http://mounteverbest.com/
Maybe you can notice things I'm doing wrong or things I'm missing.

Thanks again Steve!

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How much money are wa ambassadors already earning?

How much money are wa ambassadors already earning?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Hey guys!

This is a question for all WA ambassadors and all those WAers that rank in Top 50.

How much money are you already earning with your blogs every month? And

Hello Andrea,

Are you still pursuing and affiliated with this site? I'm a little disappointed to see that in one year, you only earned $17 and that was 3 years ago. Were you paying the $59/month for Premium Membership at the time? Now I'm concerned about the ROI with this, after reading your comment. I find it interesting that not a lot of people identify how much income they are bringing in, correlated to the time they put in, and how long they've been on the site. I'd be interested to see some of those numbers, if anyone is willing to share this information!?

I can't say for others but I am with WA from the end of October 2017, I am sure that it takes at least one year more to start earning money, my business is still very immature.

I agree with everything Joseph had to say all the best

Thank you Max!

You're so right about the Amazon Store, Hecre! It is not really adding anything to my blog. I'm not really making any sales from it. I added it as an experiment just to see how it worked, but for sure I will remove it. Thanks for all your feedback, I really appreciate it. I do feel I need to focus and learn more about ranking and stuff.
Thanks again Hecre :)

Anytime with whatever few things I can contribute with :-)

I think your site looks awesome, and if its ranking ok but not converting, its probably where you should try to focus. Try to move the links/call to actions to other parts up/down, make them more visible.

Try out some different placement and styles on different posts, and see what converts better.

For me as a user of your site, I don't think its lacking anything. Good amount of content and pro looking + personal passion. But I'm not sure if the amazon store on your site does you any good. It could look like you are trying to sell me something instead of helping me.

With my main business being in real life, I know how important guidance and customer service is, and my own idea is clearly to bring these aspects to my own site as top priority.

Well just a few inputs from an offline guy, and a noob at online. When I start making online money real soon, I'll be happy to share it, but as it stands right now its $0.00 :-)

I like this topic. Whatever people are earning they should be proud of it. I suppose it would be nice if we could get a basic summary for example: "Traffic to site 10000pm, People who set up their account 100, people who go premium 12, yearly 1" If someone experienced could give us a rough calculation like this I would be happy. Maybe its more complicated than that though....

haha Yeah! I so agree with you Charlie. Like I replied to Steve in the message below, I've done everything WA teaches and suggests. And after a year... this is all I got. I also want an explanation! That's why I'm inviting ambassadors (to me, synonym of experience and knowledge) to help me out within my learning process.

I've been working on my WA affiliate site for six months. My traffic has more than doubled each of the last three months.

This month I have had about 2000 visitors so far,10 WA referrals, 4 of them filled out their profiles and 1 has gone premium. I've also had 20+ referrals to other sites as well which has provided about $25 in affiliate revenue so far.

I'm definitely still in the beginners stages. My numbers aren't spectacular in terns of conversions, but they're getting better and my traffic has been increasing almost exponentially lately. So... I'm excited to see what is to come in the next few months!

Ambassadorship doesn't give you any indication how successful we are with out sites.
You can always PM me if you have any questions :)

Yeah I know Steve :) thanks.
I don't mean to ask how much money are ambassador making because of their ambassadorship.
I'd just like to know if being an ambassador here is kind of directly related to the earnings each of you are making with your blogs. I mean, are you earning real amounts of money?

I'm kind of desperate today with WA. I've been here for a year and I've earned so far around 17 dollars. I've followed all directions of WA, I've taken all the lessons. I actually read related content all the time. And still after a year... that's all I got.
Would you mind checking out my page http://mounteverbest.com/
Maybe you can notice things I'm doing wrong or things I'm missing.

Thanks again Steve!

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Hey guys! I'm having trouble submitting my sitemap into the webmaster tools. It shows me an error. This is what it shows: "Sitemap is HTML. Your sitemap appears to be an HTML pa

mine drove me up the wall I checked all my links, plugins , then generated a new sitemap and it seemed to work

It seemed that it was interfering with the previous sitemap plugin I was using. So I ended up deactivating both, uninstalling the other one and finally reactivating the Google XML sitemaps plugin :) Thanks for your help Katie :)

What plugin are you using to generate the sitemap

The Google XML sitemaps

Note that you have to submit only the section after your URL

Yes, that's right. I've noted that before and it's not the reason of the error.

Are you able to post the URL of the sitemap here or PM it to me to look at

Thanks TKay! It seems it's been finally solved :) Thanks for your support!

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How to fix an error of a sitemap at the webmaster tools?

How to fix an error of a sitemap at the webmaster tools?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Hey guys! I'm having trouble submitting my sitemap into the webmaster tools. It shows me an error. This is what it shows: "Sitemap is HTML. Your sitemap appears to be an HTML pa

mine drove me up the wall I checked all my links, plugins , then generated a new sitemap and it seemed to work

It seemed that it was interfering with the previous sitemap plugin I was using. So I ended up deactivating both, uninstalling the other one and finally reactivating the Google XML sitemaps plugin :) Thanks for your help Katie :)

What plugin are you using to generate the sitemap

The Google XML sitemaps

Note that you have to submit only the section after your URL

Yes, that's right. I've noted that before and it's not the reason of the error.

Are you able to post the URL of the sitemap here or PM it to me to look at

Thanks TKay! It seems it's been finally solved :) Thanks for your support!

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