Author Labman
Rank 287

With the WordPress Version upgrade to Version 3.6 some changes were made to how the custom menus are displayed.

This tutorial will give you the basics of the new menu layout

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bov5413 Premium
Thanks for the menu tutorial for the latest version of WordPress. It was very helpful man. I noticed today as I was working on one of my WordPress sites that the menu config page had changed and I got a little lost for bit until I figured it out. This will great learning video to help people know how to setup their menu's in WordPress 3.6. Thanks again!

Dilbert Premium
Good to know. I just upgraded my sites yesterday. Have not had chance to add or alter menus yet. This gives e leg up.
Carson Premium Plus
Thanks for the tutorial Craig, it'll certainly help a lot of folks as they upgrade to the latest version of WordPress.

Ethan Glover Premium
Thanks for the tutorial, it really helped a lot.
jerrymc Premium
Hi Craig, thanks for the training. Would a person be advised to put the category 1 and category 2 menus as drop down under the post to clean up header? :-) Jerry Mc
Labman Premium Plus
That might be a helpful way to do it. Whatever feels right for your site.

Using categories will help people navigate the site if you want to group the posts by topic this would be useful.