Author MarionBlack
Rank 45600

In this video you’re going to learn how to publish a new post using Gutenberg.

This is a preview of the new WordPress 5 editor which is expected to be released shortly.

As the update hasn’t happened yet, I’m using the Gutenberg plugin to simulate the new editor experience.

The real thing may be slightly different when it comes out.

As they are still fixing bugs prior to the release of WordPress version 5 it's not a good idea to install the Gutenberg plugin on a live site.

Create or use a practice website to play with the plugin.

Go to Posts > Add New or click on + New > Post at the top of the screen.

Click Add title to give your post a name.

Click Write your story to start writing.

When you hit the Enter key the editor will create a new text block.

Saving your draft is automatic but there’s an option to click on the Save Draft button if you prefer to do it manually. I’m a little obsessive compulsive so I like to click that button.

At anytime you can Preview your post and the preview will open in a new tab.

You can rearrange the blocks using the little Move up and Move down arrows.

Then when you’ve finished the post click on Schedule to access the publishing options. If you’re happy with the default settings of Visibility and the Publish date and time, click on the Schedule button again.

If you’d like to schedule your post to be published on a different date and time, use the drop down calender and the time boxes underneath.

I’m happy to publish the post now so I’ll click on the Schedule button.

You’ll briefly see “Scheduling” followed by the message “Published” and “New Post is now live.” Click on the “New Post” link or the View Post button. To view your newly published post on your website.

Now you know how to create and publish a new post using the new Gutenberg WordPress editor.

There’s a lot more to learn about the new WordPress editor so watch out for more of my videos.

Related Training

WordPress Gutenberg: Add Headings to Your Post

WordPress Gutenberg: Add Images

WordPress Gutenberg: Available Blocks

WordPress Gutenberg: Add Links to Text and Images

More of my Tutorials and Videos

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terrycarroll Premium
This looks to be an improvement on the current WP setup.

I'll bookmark it for when it is eleased

Thanks as always Marion

MarionBlack Premium
There's some big improvements coming soon Terry.
terrycarroll Premium
Looking forward to them

buffetearns Premium
Excellent Marion

Thank you!

MarionBlack Premium
You're always welcome Wayne. Keep an eye out for the next video in the series.
buffetearns Premium
Will do Marion thank you!

Tirolith Premium
Thanks Marion, It looks a lot easier than the old system.
MarionBlack Premium
A lot of it looks to be easier but there's still a couple of glitches. Hopefully they'll be sorted out soon so they can release the new version of WordPress.
newmarketpro Premium
Thanks for the post.
It's good to get prepared for what is coming to us.

1) Any idea what's going to happen to old website once the Gutenberg live?

2) Why they call it Gutenberg? Sounds like German :)

MarionBlack Premium
Gutenberg invented the printing press which revolutionized the production of literature.

The old websites will be fine. I've got more videos in the pipeline but I can only publish one a day here.
newmarketpro Premium
Looking forward to the next one, Marion.
Thanks for the sharing.
stn67 Premium
Have even played a little with it on my test page. Do you know when it will be a reality? I think it will be implied this fall. With one of the major updates
MarionBlack Premium
It's a major update, the biggest update in about 12 years. Last I heard from Matt Mullenweg was maybe April or maybe later. They don't intend to release it until they've fixed the bugs.

I wrote about it on my blog
stn67 Premium
It's fun to play with. But I feel that I'm not ready for it yet. I'll be there only when the update is a reality