In this video you’re going to learn how to add images to your posts and pages using Gutenberg.
This is a preview of the new WordPress editor which is expected to be released shortly. As the update hasn’t happened yet, I’m using the Gutenberg plugin to simulate the new editor experience. The real thing may be slightly different when it comes out.
As they are still fixing bugs prior to the release of WordPress version 5 it's not a good idea to install the Gutenberg plugin on a live site.
Create or use a practice website to play with the plugin.
Open the post you want to edit (or the post you’re working on).
Click into a paragraph near where you want the image to appear.
Click the + button top left to add a new block.
Select Image block from the Frequent tab or the Blocks tab.
Click Upload or Add from Media Library
When you’re in the Media Library you can set the Title, Caption, Alt Text and Description as usual but it’s a bit different when you choose Upload.
The Upload button inserts the image and shows you some formatting options.
If you don’t see these options then click on the image and they will pop up.
You can convert the image into a gallery, set the alignment; left center or right, change the image and add a link.
We’ll look at links in another video.
And there’s an option to add a caption underneath the image using a few formatting options. There’s Bold, Italics, Strike Through and you can add a link to the caption as well as the image itself.
For additional formatting options click on the three dots (also known as elipses) and select Show Advanced Settings.
You can also access the advanced settings from the gear icon top right.
Textual Alternative is the new name for Alt tag. So you can add a description of your image here or leave the box empty.
This is where you can choose the size of the image from the dropdown list.
I’m making this image thumbnail size so it’s easier for you to see what I’m working on.
You can rearrange the order of the blocks using the tiny Move Up and Move Down arrows on the left hand side.
When you’ve finished the post Preview and Publish or Schedule for publication.
Now you know how to add images to your posts and pages using the new Gutenberg WordPress editor.
There’s a lot more to learn about the new WordPress editor so watch out for more of my videos.
Related Training
WordPress Gutenberg: Create a New Post
WordPress Gutenberg: Add Headings
WordPress Gutenberg: Available Blocks
WordPress Gutenberg: Add Links to Text and Images
More of my Tutorials and Videos
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I have a question, when you upload the image from your computer does it automatically end up in the Media library? because currently when you upload from the computer it ends up in the Media library and not on the post.