Author MarionBlack
Rank 45592

In this video you’re going to learn how to add images to your posts and pages using Gutenberg.

This is a preview of the new WordPress editor which is expected to be released shortly. As the update hasn’t happened yet, I’m using the Gutenberg plugin to simulate the new editor experience. The real thing may be slightly different when it comes out.

As they are still fixing bugs prior to the release of WordPress version 5 it's not a good idea to install the Gutenberg plugin on a live site.

Create or use a practice website to play with the plugin.

Open the post you want to edit (or the post you’re working on).

Click into a paragraph near where you want the image to appear.

Click the + button top left to add a new block.

Select Image block from the Frequent tab or the Blocks tab.

Click Upload or Add from Media Library

When you’re in the Media Library you can set the Title, Caption, Alt Text and Description as usual but it’s a bit different when you choose Upload.

The Upload button inserts the image and shows you some formatting options.

If you don’t see these options then click on the image and they will pop up.

You can convert the image into a gallery, set the alignment; left center or right, change the image and add a link.

We’ll look at links in another video.

And there’s an option to add a caption underneath the image using a few formatting options. There’s Bold, Italics, Strike Through and you can add a link to the caption as well as the image itself.

For additional formatting options click on the three dots (also known as elipses) and select Show Advanced Settings.

You can also access the advanced settings from the gear icon top right.

Textual Alternative is the new name for Alt tag. So you can add a description of your image here or leave the box empty.

This is where you can choose the size of the image from the dropdown list.

I’m making this image thumbnail size so it’s easier for you to see what I’m working on.

You can rearrange the order of the blocks using the tiny Move Up and Move Down arrows on the left hand side.

When you’ve finished the post Preview and Publish or Schedule for publication.

Now you know how to add images to your posts and pages using the new Gutenberg WordPress editor.

There’s a lot more to learn about the new WordPress editor so watch out for more of my videos.

Related Training

WordPress Gutenberg: Create a New Post

WordPress Gutenberg: Add Headings

WordPress Gutenberg: Available Blocks

WordPress Gutenberg: Add Links to Text and Images

More of my Tutorials and Videos

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bpais1 Premium
Very detailed training, Marion!

I do have a question. Will I still be able to edit the image size to the exact width or height I want just as I have been able to do in the past, or, can I only choose between "full, thumbnail, etc."?

MarionBlack Premium
I don't know Jim. If you edit the size of the image before you upload it then "full size" will be the size you upload.
bpais1 Premium
What I am getting at is sometimes I like to fine-tune adjust an image after it is uploaded - even though I edit the size on my computer.

For instance, in WordPress, I can do a "custom size" change from...say 448 px width to 300 px width...or from...say 500 px height to 400 px height.

Will I still be able to do a "custom size" like that?

It's important for me since I sometimes have several images side-by-side or top-to-bottom and I want them to match up either in width or height, depending upon my image configuration.

MarionBlack Premium
Good question Jim. I'll check it out when I've got time. In the meantime you could install the plugin on a practice website and try it for yourself.
bpais1 Premium
Thanks, Marion. I truly benefit from your expertise!

Gutenberg has me a bit anxious. I'm just getting used to the current WordPress platform and I'm quite comfortable with it "as is"...

I don't mind changes. As long as they are beneficial. But, if they hamper my productivity, I'm not a happy camper.

bpais1 Premium
Bad news for me, Marion. Using the Gutenberg plugin, I can't fine-tune the images in the content. I can only make these changes in the media library.

That means if I don't like the way the image looks, I will have to delete it, then edit it in the media library, and THEN I have to add the image again to the content. I could be doing this over and over again - trying to get an image the way I want it to look in the content.

I hope the WordPress "Gutenberg" roll out takes this into consideration but, I'm not holding my breath.

MarionBlack Premium
I'm sure that the update is taking into consideration the mobile experience which means that the images will be the best size for viewing on mobile devices as well as desktops.

There is an option to revert to the standard WordPress instead of using Gutenberg. Perhaps that will help you.
bpais1 Premium
I found that option. It's called "classic edit." But, alas - and dawg gone it - it still does not allow for fine-tuning an image.

PatsyC Premium
Hi Jim, I had the same question and Marion sent me over here (thanks Marion)

I add the image to my post in edit, then I click on it and drag the 'corners' to the size I need for that area.

I have a visual niche and use several images in one post, so I need them to fit properly.

How are we suppose to make the changes in the medial library? I have them set through the WordPress settings to one size and not the original 3 from Robert's (Boomer) tutorial. So there aren't 3 different sizes taking up size space. If I'm explaining that properly.

So you are saying we can't click on the image to drag it with Gutenberg?

The Gutenberg test plugin is in beta and they want any feedback. Perhaps Marion can mention this for feedback.

Marion help us!

Can you tell Gutenberg to allow the click and drag to size to custom fit the images?
PatsyC Premium
Hi Marion, I just left Jim a comment and have a question for you there.

You will see it anyway thanks!
bpais1 Premium
Do you have any idea how soon this "Gutenberg" thing is going to happen?
PatsyC Premium
Hi Marion, reverting back to the standard WordPress sounds great but it may be temporary?

I read how with our older posts there is an option to click on a button to change our format into blocks. Maybe I can still copy and paste my content in the editor as I do now then click on that 'convert to blocks' option. I hope so!
bpais1 Premium
Patsy, you are an absolute lifesaver! 10 kudos to you!

Like...DUH...I didn't even try to grab the corners because, I got so used to changing the "custom size" when I edited the image to include alt tags. But, lo and behold it works - in both the regular "Gutenberg editor" and the "classic editor"...

Of course, it still would be easier just to plug in the number (e.g. 400 px) while editing the alt tags. But, I will quit complaining about it, now.

I feel better. I can sleep well tonight!


P.S. As far as making changes in the media library, I usually start with resizing all images to "web - small" on my desktop - Microsoft Office Picture Manager - before uploading them to the Media Library. But, you can also resize them in the Media Library.
PatsyC Premium
Yayyyyyy!! so it wasn't what you were asking Marion.

My jaw didn't just drop my whole face did! haha.

I have no idea on how you do it your way, it sounds complicated. I also haven't heard of Microsoft Office Picture Manager I never use anything like that. I keep things simple and it works anyway.

I resize the image if it's too big in edit once I upload it in the Media library, and also compress it on the EWWW plugin to make sure they are optimized.

It's when I add it in edit on the post that I have to adjust it there by clicking and dragging the corners.

Whewww I feel much better also! I thought there is NO way this is happening.

I left Marion a comment here as well asking her to send feedback since they want this while using the test plugin in beta. Now she doesn't have to.

Isn't Marion the best? sharing this with all of us.

It's almost midnight here and I too will be sleeping well tonight.

Funny 'meeting' this way. This was a crisis at first but now it's not!

Thanks Jim!
MarionBlack Premium
Isn't this community great? Two of our members are popping in on this thread and helping each other. Kudos to both of you.
MarionBlack Premium
Isn't this community great? Two of our members are popping in on this thread and helping each other. Kudos to both of you.
PatsyC Premium
Hi Marion!!

I'm so happy I can still click and drag the corners :D

And Jim forgot about doing it that way.

It's after 1am heading to bed.
Thanks for providing these tutorials for us!
MarionBlack Premium
Sleep well Patsy.
bpais1 Premium
Extra kudos to you, too, Marion...for giving us the platform to discuss this somewhat unnerving issue!

bpais1 Premium
Hi Patsy,

I’ve gotten used to using MS Picture Manager. It allows me to shave quite a few kilobytes off the images and trims them to a manageable size. I also have the EWWW plugin which shaves a few more kB off them. I use a plethora of images on my gardening website so, the more I can minimize the memory impact - the better.

You’re right about Marion. What would we all do without her??? She puts training like this together and then we all start brainstorming options to solve various nagging obstacles to our mutual success.

I love this community!

PatsyC Premium
Hi Marion, thanks. I'm finally getting to this message 22hrs later it's almost 11:30 pm already!

I slept well thanks and I'm sure Jim did also haha!
PatsyC Premium
Hi Jim, Imagine no Marion or community?

No way!

It's a good thing she sent me over to your comment otherwise we wouldn't have slept yet!!
bpais1 Premium
I slept very well, thank you!

And, barring unforeseen issues, I plan on sleeping well every night this week!


bpais1 Premium
Ain't that the truth, Patsy!

PatsyC Premium
Haha! I've been sleeping like a baby myself.

Actually...I've learned to not get upset or worried over anything. It's not worth it. Look at how it worked out fine in the end :)
PatsyC Premium
Yes, it sure is true :D
PatsyC Premium
Hi Marion, I was looking forward to the image tutorial :)

I have a question, when you upload the image from your computer does it automatically end up in the Media library? because currently when you upload from the computer it ends up in the Media library and not on the post.

MarionBlack Premium
When you use the Image Block to upload an image, the image goes into the post and the Media Library at the same time.
PatsyC Premium
Thanks for clarifying that for me Marion :D

One thing I just thought of.
Do you know if I will be able to just drag the size to change it? like click on the image and drag the arrow. That's how I adjust my size. I think it may still be possible.

MarionBlack Premium
I've just been having a similar conversation with @bpais1 in this thread.
Leahdavid Premium
Thank you I will be checking it out
MarionBlack Premium
Great. I recommend using a test website to try out the plugin. Have fun with it.
Leahdavid Premium
Great thank you for the advice I will
codevonish Premium
Thanks Marion viewed it on my mobile without any problems.
MarionBlack Premium
Way to go Courtney
DEversley Premium
Thanks for preparing us, Marion.
All the best!
MarionBlack Premium
There's more to come David. Keep an eye out for them.
DEversley Premium
I will, Marion. Thanks again!