Author leoemery
Rank 136

I've noticed lately there have been a lot of question in live chat asking about the dashboard of WordPress and where things are and how to use the features.

So I thought it would be a good idea to put together a bunch of tutorials covering the different areas of the dashboard.

This video is the first of 3 videos covering the Appearance area of the dashboard, which are Themes, Widgets and Menus.

This video is about Themes.

Here is the link to the next video - Widgets -

If you have any questions please don't hesitate asking.

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Shields Premium
Yes, Leo, I would like to share the post with my followers; and, of course, get it on Google.
leoemery Premium Plus
Ok that's 2 different things - Any post you write here on your WA blog will be shared to all of your followers - to share a post you wrote here (WA) to share with people that are on your mailing list or for people that visit your website - you can create a post on your site with your affiliate link going directly to your post so anyone that visits your site can see that.

You can also send out a message to your mailing list of your website - again including your affiliate link to your post here in the WA - people will be able to read your post but of course they can not navigate the WA until they sign on as a free member.

You can also share your post socially - again use your affiliate link for that.

As for ranking in Google that comes down to great, valuable content and good keyword research - both of which together and individually will give you great rankings.

Hope that helps
bobaye Premium
My apologies to all of you guys and gals (whether you missed me or not) - about ten days ago my computer started giving me problems - for no reason (that I could tell) it would switch off and reboot - sometimes as many as 10 times a day - it seemed to know when I was busy with something important and then whooops, on its merry road to enjoy a reboot - regardless of me, my work, or even my feelings - well, at one time I nearly (it was touch and go) made a decision to kick it in the gut !!

Then yesterday while I was hands-on checking inside the box for loose connections etc., the back of my hand touched something that burnt me it was so hot - it was the accelerated graphics card - wow - I switched of as quick as a frightened squirrel running for protection - and what do you think I found ???

Yes - the fan on that card was so hot it had seized onto its shaft and was not turning anymore - I had to break it to remove it - fortunately I had a spare in my box of lots of spares (I used to run a Computer Workshop and kept a stock of the most usable spares I needed for my customers so I wouldn't have to drive to the wholesalers every time I needed one) - so this morning I managed to get it working again !!

So it seems like I'm back to the grindstone again !!
Eddie C Premium Plus
Hi Leo, great tutorial. As mentioned earlier, there are so many themes out there I'm trying to still look for one theme so that I can promote WA. I'm right there with you in regards to buying a premium theme when it comes to these types of niche themes.
leoemery Premium Plus
I only use premium themes - not to say there are not any great free themes. When I do recommend a free theme I usually recommend the Blogolife theme - it is the one I used and will be using in all these tutorials
Shields Premium
Really good. The idea of having a play-around is appealing to me. I have a question, once you have your site, how do you put on WA
leoemery Premium Plus
If you are a free member your site is already hosted here, if you upgrade to premium your sites are still hosted here either way those sites will have the extension url of -

However if you have if you own your own domain name ( as a premium member you can transfer your hosting to the WA. Unlimited hosting and domains (great perk)

Welshy did a video showing exactly how to do that -

I hope that helps
Shields Premium
I really did not ask the question right; It is my domain name, and I built it here at WA. I want to share the post, but I don't know how to send it so that it can be read by my followers, for example. I see these posts all the time, so it can't be too hard. I could send it as e-mail. Of course that's not it. Leo, do you know what I mean?
leoemery Premium Plus
Are you talking about sharing posts on your web site with the people following you here in the WA?
Rick Jantz Premium
Great video, Leo. I think another question I hear is if there themes that are better for specific niches? I.e. blogs, products, photos, etc. There are so many to actually choose from.
leoemery Premium Plus
There are themes created for specific things, food themes, magazine themes, review themes and so on. When it comes to these types of themes it is best to buy a premium theme.

Themes like these are constantly updated and come with support - something that is very important when building a business online.

The places I have bought my themes from are Studio Press (I have all of them) Woo Themes and Thesis. But as you say there are thousands and thousands of themes to choose from.