Author stephhill
Rank 343

This tutorial is for the beginner to WordPress. Many new WA members are unsure about how to create a new page, what the toolbar icons do, and how to plan and develop a menu structure of their newly created website.

This tutorial walks you through the following:

  • Create A New Page
  • What each of the toolbar icons do

  • Formatting your text

  • How to Plan & Develop a Menu Structure to include the primary menu, sub pages and sub pages below the sub pages. You will learn to develop the following:

  • And how to view your site in the browser

If you have any questions, please post them below and I will answer them shortly. And if you found this video tutorial helpful, please click on the Green Like Button.

Thank you!

Check out my other training!

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richgirlme2 Premium
Thanks Steph. This will be of great value to me as I feel lost at the moment.
stephhill Premium Plus
Let me know if you have questions.
richgirlme2 Premium
Thank you. I have been able to solve the problem just by following your instructions. Greatly appreciated. If I need further help I definitely will ask for your help.
Thank you Steph, I really needed this!
stephhill Premium Plus
I am glad you enjoyed it Gary.
pinkabella Premium
thanks steph good post as you say some of us newbies don't know how to use wp and this tutorial is just the sort of thing needed keep up the good work
stephhill Premium Plus
I was inspired by a member who sent me a PM whose website was disorganized and asked me for some help. This is the sort of thing which can help us to know where things should go and how to create a sense of navigation and a main page, a sub page and a sub-sub page.
pinkabella Premium
Keep it up Steph we all need new training on subjects not really covered in WA training. It shows you are doing this right and are progressing well when other members send you their website and ask you personally for help congratulationss
bstreet57 Premium
Great stuff Stephanie. Will be referring our newbies to this. :)
stephhill Premium Plus
Some of this material is covered in Kyle's training, but at different intervals. I thought it would be nice to create a more concise basic tutorial on WordPress. However, other members may have covered the same material.
Rich908 Premium
Great tutorial Steph
stephhill Premium Plus
Thank you. Have an awesome day!