I stumbbled on another Wealthy Affiliate member. He told me about how ping can help index your site, in most cases for free. It would help to get more eyes on my sight and that's what I was looking for. Ping will put your websites into more directories and forums.

So I figured ok what else do I have to loose. So I did it and in a few days my traffic grew. With all the other different things I was doing this helped too.

In this post I will be suppling you with some information on how to use ping. The site provided gives you 31 diferent ping websites to choose from most are free but some do chargeb a fee. https://techmasi.com/ping-sites/ I'm also providing a website that is #1 at doing this. https://www.domainpinger.com/They do charge a minimal fee. I advise you to look around read the addtional information then see which ones you like.

It is reccomended that you use only about 3-4 of these. If you use more it will become repetative and many sites my block you from adding your website and content. never ping a URL more then 10 times or with 10 tools. It is just way to repetive .

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Scwebu Premium
Thank you Brian for sharing. I will try it.
Niagara1 Premium
I will give it a try, and thanks for the article.
Jadatherapy Premium
Thank you Brian for sharing this information

I have been using Pingomatic for a while now but will also try your recommendations.
I thought that it would take a few months before you start seeing results.

Have a great day

BElliott56 Premium
It does work.
Jadatherapy Premium
Yes I know it does.

The funny thing is that I thought everyone was doing this.
BElliott56 Premium
not really.
Jadatherapy Premium
I thought they were

Thank you for sharing

lesabre Premium
Thank you Brian for the share.

Best wishes,

BrendaMZ Premium Plus
Interesting. I never heard of this. Good lesson to learn. Thanks.
BElliott56 Premium
I find it makes a difference.
BrendaMZ Premium Plus
Honestly, I had no idea about that. I understood ping for like cell phone but for marketing a website? Thats a cool tool to have.
BElliott56 Premium
Yes it is.