Why Bother With Another Tool

Well, why not is what you really should be saying. Why are you doing this to begin with? To make a buck,nope. To write because you enjoy it, no again. To build your brand, grow your audience and build a following. You go all out writing content, thinking NOW I will get traffic.Does it happen? a little.

We are going to explore why using Ping to indexing your site is just as important as using Google Analytics and Google Search Console

When I first started with Wealthy Affiliate. I had not much traffic to speak of. My site was running. I had content on it but hardly any traffic to speak of. The only I noticed was tumbleweeds blowing by and crickets curping. Man it was Dead and it sucked bad. I knew there had to be another way, but how?

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Scwebu Premium
Thank you Brian for sharing. I will try it.
Niagara1 Premium
I will give it a try, and thanks for the article.
Jadatherapy Premium
Thank you Brian for sharing this information

I have been using Pingomatic for a while now but will also try your recommendations.
I thought that it would take a few months before you start seeing results.

Have a great day

BElliott56 Premium
It does work.
Jadatherapy Premium
Yes I know it does.

The funny thing is that I thought everyone was doing this.
BElliott56 Premium
not really.
Jadatherapy Premium
I thought they were

Thank you for sharing

lesabre Premium
Thank you Brian for the share.

Best wishes,

BrendaMZ Premium Plus
Interesting. I never heard of this. Good lesson to learn. Thanks.
BElliott56 Premium
I find it makes a difference.
BrendaMZ Premium Plus
Honestly, I had no idea about that. I understood ping for like cell phone but for marketing a website? Thats a cool tool to have.
BElliott56 Premium
Yes it is.