As we all know, without an efficient tracking there is no such thing as successful, profitable marketing ... This is why we are using Google Analytics and other third-party tracking solutions ...

And we also know, that a longer content usually performs better. This is why we are trying to write articles that are at least 1,000 word long ... But a long-form content can be discouraging too ... Sometimes - depending on your topic, content format, target audience, etc - less is more ...

Which brings us back to square one ... In order to "define" the optimal length, you'll need reliable, accurate analytics data. You'll have to find out how how users interact with your long articles or lengthy landing pages ... More exactly, you'll want to find out how much users scroll when viewing a given page on your website. Learning how much users scroll, will help you to understand how well your articles are doing, and more importantly, how you can improve your website.

And you'll have two options: the famous Google Tag Manager or a scroll depth tracking Wordpress plugin.

Needless to say, the latter solution is a lot easier. This is why I've decided to create this short tutorial, where I will show you how easy is to track user scroll depth activity in Wordpress.


Let's do this!

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Terand Premium
Thank you, Zed! 👍😉
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for the time my friend!
Terand Premium
Don't mention it and it's my pleasure too, my friend :o)
dowj01 Premium
Great idea, providing further insight into the behaviour of page visitors, very useful.
Thank for the clear and concise tutorial as ever.
smartketeer Premium
Once again, thanks for the time my friend!
Jadatherapy Premium
Thank you for sharing

Very helpful and useful

Food for thought I will defo try this out


smartketeer Premium
Thank you Jennifer!
Jadatherapy Premium
You are welcome

Have a great weekend

lesabre Premium
Thanks again Zed.
smartketeer Premium
Thank YOU!