So ...

Upon activation, you'll have to go to Timeline Express =>Settings to customize a set of very straightforward options like timeframe, display order, excerpt length, default icon, announcement color, etc:

Then, you can go to Timeline Express => Add New Announcement in order to add your first announcement or event:

Simply provide a title for your new event or announcement, define the color and the date, and select an icon. Additionally, you can upload a custom announcement image (at least 650 pixels wide) which will be used as the banner.

And below you'll see a regular post editor where you can enter the details ... And don't forget, you can add images and videos as well!

And that's it ... Once you are ready, simply click the "Publish" button to save your new announcement. And of course, you'll have to repeat the same process to add a few more announcements ...

OK. Now let's see the magic ...

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TeamIceCream Premium
Hi Zed
Awesome ideas on why and how to use a timeline! Bookmarked & Liked. ;-)
Wishing you an awesome day, Zed!
Sharlee (Chocolate IceCream)
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for the time Sharlee!
JaneMahlehle Premium
I always look forward to your trainings!
Now I have a question. Would you have any theme suggestions for a Tours and Travel Operator?
smartketeer Premium
Nope :(

I'm using the same paid third-party theme for all my sites .... Sorry Jane ...
JaneMahlehle Premium
Don’t sweat it. It’s ok. Thanks
Mick18 Premium
Thanks Zed. This will come in handy. Got it bookmarked.
smartketeer Premium
Thank YOU!
dowj01 Premium
Great idea, these look great. Thanks for the training.
smartketeer Premium
Thank YOU!
TomCaldwell1 Premium
Thanks Zed. Another helpful plugin. I appreciate your time and effort to bring us these beneficial trainings.
smartketeer Premium
And I appreciate your time!

Thanks Tom!