Author nathaniell
Rank 53

Like I say in the video, I try to make all my training how to do stuff for free, but this one is showing you how to get some cool videos from Fiverr. I've left the job of finding an appropriate video editing software up to you, but mostly this training was created because people often ask me where to get the intro from my videos.

Using a short intro can help you brand yourself on YouTube, and make sure you get credit when others use your videos on their website. It also gives you a few seconds to introduce you or your website so viewers know what to expect.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with Fiverr or any of the people you see in the video here today. I don't benefit from showing you these services in any way.

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BETJON Premium
Thanks for the information :)
mschneeder Premium
AWESOME STUFF! Thank you so much nathaniell. Great work.
tommydillard Premium
Thank you very informative
welshy Premium
Great video Nathaniell, This is something I've been meaning to do for so long but still haven't.
Fiverr is defiantly a great cheap place to get this work completed.

In regards to your videos did you get the intro voice overs done on Fiverr too?
nathaniell Premium
Are you talking about the "Two Minute Tips" video? Yeah, I found him on Fiverr too. He ended up charging me more than $5 (Crazy, I know), but anyway, there are lots of voiceover gigs. Oh, and I got my podcast radio announcer from Fiverr too :)
Rick Jantz Premium
Good job, Nathaniell (spelled your name right this time). I always wondered about this and knew I would need to do it sometime. I came up with an idea for my videos while watching but I'll have to figure out how to insert it, which I believe you said is possible. Thanks for doing this.
nathaniell Premium
If you're on windows, see if you have Windows Movie Maker. I think it comes with some packages, or you can download it here I haven't tried it myself, but it could work. If you do lots of videos it'll get too expensive to go through fiverr all the time, so having some kind of editing software would be useful.