6. Produce Awesome Content

It is easy to establish an authority in a niche by sharing great content on your website with other bloggers and social media users. Use social media to share posts that solve problems for your target audience.

Great content is Key to getting your blog off the ground. These are some great tips to help you create excellent content.

  • Write for users and not search engine robots.
  • Answer all questions in the most efficient way possible
  • To break up your content, use headings and subheadings
  • Add images that relate to your post
  • Mention the source and the data.
  • To avoid making silly errors, use grammar checker apps (Grammarly for free)
  • Double-check your post for errors
  • Write a blog article that is helpful for readers
  • End the article by concluding

Your blog will get shared by other bloggers and social network users if you produce great content. Your blog will be popular with Google, which is great news for SEO.

Your blog's success will depend on what type of posts you produce. Your readers won't return to your blog if your articles aren't up-to-standard.

You should also remember that just posting a few quality articles won't make it work. To be famous, you will need to post a lot of content. It is not a get-rich-quick scheme as many people believe. Blogging can be a long-term investment. It takes about a year to see some success.

You will need to post at least 3 – 5 articles a week of between 1300 and 2000 words.

There are many ways to speed up the process and make money with your blog in the first six months.

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Dhind1 Premium Plus
Thanks Lilly a great piece as always.

Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Great to hear Alex. Thanks.
Lily 😁🎶
DLyn2 Premium
Lily, this is exactly what I need. I know nothing about blogging.
Since joining WA I wondered when this process will happen and how I will manage if I have never done a Blog.
I have been thinking about it in the past week and have done some research to familiarize myself.
When I saw your post I was happy to see it and immediately checked it out.
It's like you were sensing the anxiety I was having to learn more on this issue.
It is great to know that there are wonderful members like you here at WA who will always share their experiences & knowledge.
I definately will be using your lesson to improve my blogging.
Many thanks.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Hi Donna,
Trust me when I say we have all been there. Take a deep breath and remember this is not a race. All the information you need is provided in the lessons and more in the tutorials and blogs of the members.

Choose just one step to do each day. Do one lesson and the assignment.

Choose a niche today and build your website.

Be kind to yourself, this is a whole new world. Just remember when you started training as a banker and look where you are today. It's a journey of 1000 steps. You are smart enough to do this.

DLyn2 Premium
Will surely follow your advice.

Tfpeacock Premium
wow what a master piece, thanks a lot for taking you talent to bless with this words of wisdom the are very essentials for any blog builders and beginner , i will make use of these info
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
That is so nice to hear. Thanks.
Wishing you great success.

Tfpeacock Premium
I think as beginner you will need a helping hand
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Definitely. I think anyone who has never built a website or a business would be smart to get help. We all need it and there are plenty of lessons, input, and support here in WA.

I know nothing when I started here 2 years ago and am still learning every day.

Tfpeacock Premium
Thanks for this info they very important i will consider the advice in these lesson.