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Web Terminology For New Webmasters

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TimNagle1 Premium
rather which company do I use?
techhound Premium Plus
Hi Tim, if you are planning on hosting here, you can simply use the provision here to get your domain name.
In the training: You can also choose to use a domain registrar company. The big three are:

You can still do your hosting here with these registrars if you want to.

For the most part, they will all allow you to register your domain. So, it's a matter of pricing them out and making a choice.

I use GoDaddy.com and haven't had too much trouble with them. I don't use any other of their services.

I wouldn't focus too much attention on who you pick. It will hold you back from developing your business.

Best Regards,
TimNagle1 Premium
pls xplain how I get a domain name
RobertBaines Premium
If a person buys a domain name w/WA but stops subscribing to WA, do they keep the domain name at the same price each year? Or do they lose the domain name, when they quit WA?
techhound Premium Plus
Hey Robert, I don't have the answer to that question, and it's a good one. My suggestion would be to reach out to support and ask them directly. When you get your answer, let us know here on this comment thread.
Best Regards,
DHooks Premium
Awesome training! Very good analogies! Makes it easy for newbies to understand!
techhound Premium Plus
Thank you Dori, I appreciate the feedback.

Best Regards,
DHooks Premium
Can i ask you an additional question- I purc hosting from hostgator prior to finding wa- this wAs only 3 weeks ago and I paid up front for 6 months! Should I transfer hosting to wa or can I still use the themes offered here on my site hosted by hostgator?
techhound Premium Plus
Hey Dori,
The themes that are offered here are really directly from Wordpress.org so you are free to use them on your hostgator website. Hostgator usually gives 45 day money back so that is another option as well.

Best Regards,
DHooks Premium
Now I would like to do that option! Do I transfer first?
DHooks Premium
Thanks for info! I just went in and requested refund for hostgator account so I can set up here!!!! I would have never known!!! Appreciate help!!
techhound Premium Plus
Glad I could help. It can help pay for WA access. You can go ahead and proceed with the transfer now. You can find training on how to do that here:

DHooks Premium
Thank you so much for that!!!!I really appreciate your help in getting me started on the right path
jespinola Premium
Jim! Hey great Training. :)
techhound Premium Plus
Hey Jorge. Thanks. I appreciate that.
jespinola Premium
I am just checking All your trainings :)