Knowing how to communicate within The Open Education Project system can truly make the difference between educational success and failure. Knowing when and how to reach out for help, how to properly communicate with others, and how to maximize your networking potential within Wealthy Affiliate will help speed up learning efficiency.

I am going to discuss the different "communicative" aspects within WA and show you how to best use these.

Live Chat - Need help in real time? Live Chat allows you to interact with Carson and myself along with other members at Wealthy Affiliate in live manner, discussing pretty much any topic that you are interested in talking about. This is the first place you should go if you need help "NOW" as someone there will likely be in chat and have the knowledge to answer your questions. You will find the Live Chat within the main "Dashboard" here at WA.

Don't be afraid to ask questions or join in on conversations. Chances are if you have the question, someone else had it at some point and was able to figure it out. That is what the chat is there for, there is no such thing as a stupid question! It is all part of the learn process.

Profile Communication - Within many areas of Wealthy Affiliate, you can either click someone's image, their name, or "view profile" button (depending on where you are at) to view their profile. Once on a fellow members profile, you can communicate with this individual directly via the profile feed.

This is a great way to interact with people right within their profile in a personal and direct way. You can learn a lot about someone and their activities by visiting their profile, follow them, and get more information about the person via their bio.

If you want to leave a message, you simply use the comment box (as shown above) and leave a direct comment, message, question, etc. This is a great way to get in touch with someone personally, without having to send them a private message (which others cannot see and benefit from).

Follow People - This is not as obvious as some of the other ways in which you can communicate within the OEP system, however it is one of the most powerful. That is, FOLLOWING people that interest you, that you like, that help you, or that you find engaging.

The reason this is so powerful is because you have a "Personal Feed" within your Dashboard where you can see what the people you are following are doing. This includes there activities within WA, what they are blogging/writing about, the training they have created, the interactions they are having, etc.

Also, by following and networking with others, you will build up your following yourself. There are a few different ways to follow people..

  • Within their profile - There are many links to someones profile within the system, whether it be within a chat, within a blog post, within dashboard activity or a can visit someones profile from many places and "follow" them once you get to their profile.
  • Within training or blog posts they create - Within every training resource, you will see a member bio with a Follow button within it. If you like the training, I suggest you follow that particular member as they likely will have lots of awesome stuff to share in the future. To follow, you simply click the "Follow" button.

    Note that you will not see the Follow button with a member bio (inside of the training) if you are already following the creator of that particular content.

To see your following, you can go to your profile:

Interacting within Training - To understand something, you need to educate yourself in that particular area. Being active and engaging in the training within WA OEP will act as a very significant boost in your productivity, your knowledge base, and ultimately lead to much more efficiency within your business.

If you don't understand a particular topic, the first thing you should do is search within the training search bar to see if training is available. If something similar is available, you will want to read through it. As you are reading, if you have any questions on that particular training, you will want to leave it within the training.

Engage in Blog Posts/Stories - People have a lot to share and sometimes some of your best ideas will come from the most obscure content. I personally read blog posts daily and get a ton of insight and value out of just reading them, regardless of their nature. Sometimes someones story about how they are frustrated or how the just had the most exciting day will give me an idea or inspire me to create something.

Sometimes a blog post will help you resolve your existing issues. Sometimes you will see a blog post on a "news item" and it will allow you to engage and learn about a brand new topic related to Internet business. Follow people that write quality posts on their blog. Also, interact within people's blogs, it can lead to a much better network of friends along with some of the best ideas and education you will get!

Also, this includes your own blog posts. If you have an idea, topic or just a story of yours that you would like to get out there and discuss, create a blog post of your own. You want to learn more about a topic, a great way to get help is through a blog post that articulates it.

How to Contact Us (Kyle & Carson)

Need help with something and you feel as though you have reached your last resort? Have something that is a bit more private about your business that you would like to discuss with either Carson or myself? We are here to help!

First and foremost, if you are trying to get in touch with us with a question that can be discussed in an open medium, I would suggest you post it in a Live Chat. Carson and I frequent live chat and are in there hanging out and helping people on a daily basis. If you want to catch us, look there first.

If you cannot reach us there or you have something that you would like to discuss in Private, you can send Carson or myself a private message (PREMIUM Members Only). If you go to either one of our profiles, you will see the Private Message button (shown below).

To find us and other members, you can do a search from anywhere within WA using the search bar.


This will take you directly to our profiles.

Lastly, you can post your question or message on your profile feeds. We regularly check these as well and would be more than happy to help you out there. You will see the feed on our respective profile pages.

Be Active, Be Engaging, See Results

The best students in school are typically the ones that study the hardest. The MOST SUCCESSFUL ones are the ones that take action, engage regularly with others and get involved in discussions, ask questions when they need help, and teach others when they can.

The more you communicate within the Open Education Project and interact within the system, the more success you are going to see (in business and personally). Don't be afraid to ask for help...there really is no excuse for you to get stuck! We are here and there are 1,000's of other members with the knowledge you need that are willing to share it!

Many avenues of communication and relationship building are at your fingertips!

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Recent messages
pamelarose Premium
Hi ! I tried so hard yesterday to understand my 2ND lesson and even watched it over and over. Today I am going to watch it again, I am determined to learn now that I have finally found a teaching , step by step boot camp. Not a run around scam. Thank you guys!
EricWinslow Premium
There is a lot to learn but I am finding it deeply rewarding it is a skill you can use your whole life after I learn everything I am going to design websites for people.
EricWinslow Premium
I always wanted to go to school for this now this is my school.
AfqmBiz Premium
Damn, I knew it and still knew it! Knew that a Great Leader as humbled and success as Kyle, still existed!

I made the right decision on taking the promotional offer on becoming yearly paid Premium Members! How the last few hours of holding my nerve for resources and made it at the 11th hours still one of the best moment and decision I've ever made!

The prospect to be selected and on the plane to Vegas meeting all top brass relaxing ur way and to be involved in business overview could only one of the best life turnaround so far in my whole 36 years of existence! Terrific and terrific and terrific!

But if it is not me one of the huge parties there, at least we did some effort that better than nothing. I will still feel the blessed of those Members that could make the trip. At the end of the day, being just here on W.A platform is already something blessing.

All the best folks!
pamelarose Premium
I am excited to be included in such a group of willing participants to help teach people the steps of website affiliates. I have been through a lot of run around of learning nothing and paying for getting help I didn't get. So I am feeling hopeful for the first time in a long time.
xanfo Premium
Wow! This is my first time coming across this spam stuff. I seriously never knew of this rules even though I know there are rules in every serious like WA in other to bring sanity to their platforms.
I hope this will be available to the new members for the to know before hand before they flout the rules unknowingly.
It-Is-John Premium
This was very helpful Kyle. It caused me to consider and revise a recent Press Release related post in which I included external links to one of my websites. It may not have violated any of the above rules, exactly, but I think we need to be mindful of the spirit and valuable purpose for which the spam rules exist.

To your success Wealthy Affiliates!