Author MarionBlack
Rank 45488

Update December 19, 2017

WordPress now has a Custom HTML widget for you to use when you want to create a widget using HTML code. Please use the Custom HTML widget instead of the Text Widget.

In this video I'm going to walk you through adding a Wealthy Affiliate banner into a widget on your sidebar.

From any page in WA click on the black and white airplane icon and select banners.

Choose the banner you prefer making sure that the width is less than your sidebar's width. Click the Download button and save the image on your computer.

You can choose to link to any page at WA by clicking on the Affiliate Link button at the top of the page. I'm going to use one of my tutorials so I'll get my link from the top of the page.

Create a new Post and call it WA Widget. You'll be saving this as a Draft. You're never going to publish this but you want to let WordPress do the heavy lifting for you.

Click Add Media and upload the image you just saved and insert it into your post. Choose Full size, add Alt text (your keywords) and Insert into Post.

Now click the image and then click the link icon.

Paste the affiliate link you saved from the Wealthy Affiliate page. Check Open in New Tab and click Add Link.

Save as a Draft. Now preview your post and check your link. If it's working properly open the Text tab.

Copy all the code from the Text tab.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-197" src="" alt="wa_successful_business_160x600" width="160" height="600" /></a>

Now go to Appearance > Widgets and Add a Text widget to your sidebar. Paste in the code. Save the text widget and move it to the place you want it to appear. Now visit your site in an incognito window and check the link.

This is what a non-member sees when they click the banner. This section is locked and when they try to open another page they'll be presented with an invitation to join Wealthy Affiliate.

All done. Now you know how to add a Wealthy Affiliate banner into a sidebar widget.

As always I'm here to help you,

You can also use a Wealthy Affiliate banner in a post or page

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highesthealt Premium
Thank you, Marion! Did it!
MarionBlack Premium
Great! Wanna share your URL?
mijareze Premium
Awesome Marion! Thank you...
MarionBlack Premium
You're welcome Ed.
kishtoc Premium
Brilliant. That's how its done.
MarionBlack Premium
Yeah, that's the easy way :)
DarleneB Premium Plus
Thanks Marion & thanks for the link to all your tutorials. I definitely bookmarked it.
MarionBlack Premium
It's a pleasure Darlene.
Inspiration1 Premium
Dear Marion, very well and systematically explained training. Please let me know if I just paste the code in widgets area and add the banner, how that is different from what you have shown here. Probably, I am not getting the difference between the two. Thanks for your training.
MarionBlack Premium
To get the banner to link to your chosen page in Wealthy Affiliate you need a lot of code which I can't paste in this answer (I've tried twice). I've added the code to the text above so you can see what's involved.

I couldn't be bothered trying to figure out exactly what code is needed so I let WordPress do the hard work.
Inspiration1 Premium
Well, I get your point. Let me follow you, try it to get the whole thing. Thanks!