Author MarionBlack
Rank 45488

In this video I'm going to walk you through adding a Wealthy Affiliate banner into a post.

From any page in Wealthy Affiliate click on the black and white airplane icon and select banners.

Choose the banner you prefer and click the Download button. Save the image on your computer.

You can choose to link to any page at WA by clicking on the Affiliate Link button at the top of the page. I'm going to use one of my tutorials so I'll get my link from the top of the page.

Now find the place you want to insert the banner and make a space between paragraphs.

Click Add Media and upload the image you just saved and insert it into your post. Choose Full size, add Alt text (your keywords) and add your affiliate link into the custom URL spot.

Save as a Draft. Now preview your post and check your link. If it's working properly finish your post and publish. If you use an incognito window you'll see exactly what a non-member will see.

All done. Now you know how to add a Wealthy Affiliate banner into your post or page.

As always I'm here to help you,

You can also use a Wealthy Affiliate banner in a sidebar widget

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myusof Premium
Thanks Marion. Its awesome.
MarionBlack Premium
Thank you for the compliment.
JenniferMc Premium
Thank you so very much, Marion. Your training is so easy to follow - I love it. So do you think I could put one or two of them on my niche site pages? Or is it just for after you complete the Bootcamp training for the WA affiliate program?
MarionBlack Premium
I reckon you can put one on your niche site. Maybe add a little blurb about how you started your website through Wealthy Affiliate. Perhaps add it to your About Me page. Entirely up to you :) Some people add this sort of thing in a sidebar widget so it shows on every post and page.
rosieM Premium
You have always been one of my 'go to' places and this blog is just one of many reasons why....thank you!
MarionBlack Premium
You're always welcome sweet Rosie.
ormbear Premium
Thank you soooo much.
MarionBlack Premium
I was just about to send you a Private Message :)
VMahony Premium
I've done this and it works great.
MarionBlack Premium