6. Use the chat function if you where not successful finding your answer in all the drop downs, you find it under the "Help" tab.
OR go to the live chat via the dashboard on the homepage
and start chatting right there.7. If nobody in chat knows an answer, go to the PM option, the final option.
You can enter private messaging 2 ways.
Here under the "Help"tab

and here at the little envelope
8. Ad your question in the topic!
And again a drop down will appear with suggestions which might answer your question.
9. Not yet the right answer?
10. Sent a PM to someone of who you think can help you, after you have taken advantage of all other options
11. Don't use PM to ask for comments or feedback
12. Include always your website URL if your question concerns your website!
13. When you have website issues, website down or not functioning correctly, domain name problems, you can ask support for help. You find Site-support under the "Help" tab too.
Fill in the form.
14. How to submit a support ticket
How to submit a support ticket to siterubix hosting
15. How to contact site support when website is missing?
How to contact site support when website is missing?
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Great training Loes!! There is an answer for whatever you are searching for here at WA, or someone who will know the answer. Love it!