A list of keywords that are related to your initial keyword search.
Searches (last Mth)
How many searches this keyword has received in Google when searched last month.
Searches (Avg.)
Average amount of searches this keyword receives.
Est. Traffic
The average amount of traffic that the top ranked site for the keyword term could potentially achieve.
Websites (quoted)
The number of competing sites within Google for the keyword term.
Comp (0-100)
Competition is a measure of competing pay-per-click ads for the keyword term whereas a low number means few ads are displayed and a high number means many ads.
Article Power
Article Power is a ranking metric that is based on keyword competition, traffic, and other statistics. The higher the Article Power, the better the keyword phrase is to use for article marketing. If the keyword term receives a low Article Power score, it most likely is not a good keyword to use for article marketing.
PPC Power
PPC Power is a ranking metric based on keyword search volume, cost per click, competition, and other statistics. The higher the PPC Power, the better the keyword is to advertise via Pay-per-click. Keep in mind however, that you should ALWAYS choose your keywords based on relevancy and not on any other statistic. In many cases PPC power will be very low, but the keyword may be "perfect" for your campaign. PPC power should be used as an aid to choosing keyword, but never choose a keyword based on statistics. Relevancy is how you choose a keyword for your pay-per-click campaigns.