In order for your domain to point to WA Hosting, you need to update your DNS (Domain Name Server) settings within your Domain Registrar.
OK, before I completely lose you with all this "DNS" talk, I will help you understand what is happening here.
WA Hosting is where you are going to be putting all of your website files. These are the same files that load when people will be visiting your domain. Your Domain is the address of your website. In order to connect these two items, you need to tell your domain where to look for the files. This is where the DNS settings come in. When you update these to point to WA Hosting, we automatically know where to look.
The name servers for Wealthy Affiliate Hosting ALWAYS are:
In order for your domain name to point to your web space, you need to tell it where the web space is. To do this, we use something called "Name servers". A name server is simply an address that you need to point your domain to in order for it to connect with your web space.
The place that you update your DNS settings, will depend on where you purchased your domain (Domain Registrar). This will likely be:
We are going to explain how to update your DNS within all of these system in the upcoming pages, so choose according to where you bought your domain.
I am working on setting up a G Suite account. The first step is to verify that I am the owner of (domain name). In order to do so I need to add the following TXT record to my DNS settings:
Can you please add this for me?
Once this is added, please delete any existing MX records and add Google's MX records.
Please let me know when this has been completed.