You will find other templates, which might make it easier for you to structure your blog. I like this one because it is a blank and will allow you to be creative.

First is your title. Think carefully. Make sure you use your keyword here. Use Jaaxy to check and be sure you have one that will get hits. Use a title that will get attention.

Next, drop down to the content portion. Here is where your creative juices should begin to flow. You want to write great content, not just average, but great!

Next page we are going to look at content.

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MistySurf Premium
Thanks again Joe. Another helpful Post ...
Joes946 Premium
Thanks Vivian
mosb2012 Premium Plus
Also, creating your very own template will help you in this process. I don't know where'd I be at today without this training.

This is perfect for those of us in the beginning.

However, to help add to this, here's some information on writing your very own templates: Yours in Success,


P. S.- Grab your affiliate link and put it in with your templates.
BMartino Premium
Great advice and thanks for the links!
Gogoxoxo13 Premium
Thank you. This is very useful information.
Claudiojuan Premium
Thank you very much Joe,
Before making a publication, we must ensure that they have no grammatical errors and that the content helps our readers.
Joes946 Premium
True Claudio