Hi everyone and welcome to another edition of Shawn's Tutorials.
I hope all is well with your adventures in home business building!
Today I want to talk about using the free Google Link Shortener.
This is a free tool Google offers that will help you cloak a link. Kyle teaches using Pretty Links to do this and that is an awesome plug in to use but there are times when you might not want to add another plug in, or you simply do not like plug ins, so this is a very viable option.
First lets discuss what a cloaked link is and why we would want to cloak one.
A cloaked link is just a link rewritten by the tool to not reveal the true destination of the link.
Now, I know you are going to ask, but is that not dishonest?
Well, not really, why we are using it is to cloak our affiliate links. When you hover over a link it will show you the address the link goes to in the lower left part of your screen, and if it is a n affiliate link it will show that.
Using this tool will cloak that and only show the addy the tool created when you hover over it.
It just looks so much more professional using the cloaked link. Just like they say over at Pretty Links " It makes the link pretty. "
This tool also makes a nice short address so if you are posting on Twitter it will give you more room for your message.
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