You Want People To Visit Your Website
You've already learned the importance of visuals on your website. People don't like to read too much lol, they like images just like children ! =)
So always try to make your posts more attractive with relevant and good quality pictures. Be careful with copyright though! You can filter images on Google to use images that are labeled for reuse.
There are also free websites that provide you with copyright free images:
And then if you can afford it there are websites that will give you access to more pictures if you pay a monthly or annual fee.
Encourage People To Pin On Your Website!
This is where the'pin it' button will come in useful! The Pin It button is a widget and it's the best way for your business to get visibility on Pinterest. When you add the "Pin It" button to your website images, you allow your audience to save things they like onto Pinterest, which means their contacts can find it! = more traffic
To add the "pin it" button to your website simply click here :
You will be able to choose what type of button you want to add to your visuals! I personally like the simple regular red "PinIt" because it's not invasive and yet people will recognize it immediately!
I like to select the "image hover" option but it's up to you how you customize your "Pin It" button! =)Once you have built a button you will be given an html code to copy and paste into your page (in the text area on Wordpress)
For example, my html code for a red and rectangular "Pin It" button that will appear when people hover over pictures looks like that :
<span class="redactor-invisible-space"></span><!-- Please call pinit.js only once per page --><script type="text/javascript" async defer data-pin-color="red" data-pin-hover="true" src="//<a href="" ></a>"></script><span class="redactor-invisible-space"></span>
And this is what it will look like on my wordpress text box :
Note : for more info on how to add the pin it button, check out this video tutorial I made