Author Triblu
Rank 78
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BillandSue Premium
Hi Trish,
Thanks so much for pointing out some tools that were right in front of my nose for several years on the WP edit mode.

I was doing something total wrong in taking a post-off-line and editing. Now I can do it correctly.

Thanks again

Triblu Premium
You're very welcome Bill, glad to learn this has helped you... and Thank YOU for letting me know.
4evertrue Premium
Hi Trish,
You're an asset to the WA community. Appreciate your most helpful training including this one. Thank you.
Triblu Premium
Thank YOU Vincent for your compliment!
Glad to learn that the training I'm sharing is helpful.
Claudiojuan Premium
OK Trish, We can then make changes to an article or a published page by passing it first as a draft and then republishing it and also changing the original date. This is the correct way to make any changes or modifications to our site. I will keep it in mind in my places ... Many thanks!
Triblu Premium
Hey Claudio,

Glad you found this video helpful.

Some members like to change the publishing date after making changes. Personally, most times unless I do a MAJOR update I do not touch the date.
Claudiojuan Premium
Yes I´m agree with you. Many Thanks!
Chrissies Premium
Many thanks Trish, I have updated posts before, but I did not realise that you can change the post back to Draft mode to do so, that is a great tip :)
Triblu Premium
Hey Chrissie,

My sites are not popular enough yet for me to worry about switching between Published to Draft then back to Published when making small changes.

However, the member that asked today, wants to put several posts into Draft mode until they have time to make changes... so, yeah, I'd probably use this technique if I found the need to do several at one time.

Normally, I just post date a post by about 5 years so that it remains at the top of my All Posts page haunting me until I make my decision as to what I will do with it. Placing it in Draft, personally, I would be concerned that I might end up forgetting about it. :-))
Chrissies Premium
Thanks again Trish :)
Fleeky Premium Plus
Thank you!

Just one question... you make draft, then changes, then publish...
without updating sitemap?
Triblu Premium
You're welcome Fleeky!

If I had a sitemap plugin installed on my test site, the sitemap would automatically update with EACH change made. That is one of the advantages of installing a plugin rather than creating a raw HTML file as your sitemap.
Fleeky Premium Plus