Step 1:

Determine your goals. How much would you like to make a day from Clickbank? Take note that you want the number you come up with to inspire you.. But not some crazy number like $5 million that you know isn't attainable. For instance, if you're getting $0 consistently, a good goal to strive for might be 2 sales a day, or about $50.

Write these down on a rough piece of paper.

Step 2:

Log into your Clickbank account. Go to your URL bar and enter the following, without the quotes:

j@vascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

(Replace j@vascript with javascript - I wasn't able to paste the correct code here because the website treats it as a real piece of code, resulting in an error.)

I did this in Firefox. If you encounter any problems with editing, Firefox is probably the way to go.

Step 3:


You're now able to edit the values on the page.

Change the dates according to the goals you have set in step 1.

To extend the bars, *CAREFULLY* click on them. If you did it properly, you'll see that you're able to drag the handles to stretch them.

As a side benefit, as you tinker with these figures, you begin to get a better sense of Clickbank's pay period.

Step 4:

Take a screenshot of your page, and look at it every night before you go to bed, and every morning upon waking up.

Set it as your mobile phone's wallpaper.

Print it out, paste it next to your workspace.

Set it as your computer wallpaper.

Whatever it takes.

Step 5:

Take massive action to make the screenshots a reality.

As the date draws near, you might just find that the figures in your real Clickbank account tally with the one you created.

And remember..

The Law of Attraction has screwed many people by suggesting that you can sit there "attracting" good things to you.. Which is bunk!

Massive action is a necessary ingredient!

The purpose behind this tutorial is to trick yourself into getting motivated to DO THE NECESSARY work!

Please remember that!

Good luck, and have fun!

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Quique-XP Premium
I love the code!

Thanks a bunch
Sitha Premium
Thats an inspirational work. I will do and follow it.
Gary B Premium
Thats an inspirational work. I will do and follow it.
DirectorOA Premium
Kang, Good tip. I'm kinda new here at WA, but I have finished study all the tips and tools from the training center. I'm now starting my first sale with clickbank. Any tip or suggestion for me for a starter? I would like to know some technique that generate you that much income.

What product should I be looking into and such. Feel free to send me a private message


Marat Premium Plus
Kang, Good tip. I'm kinda new here at WA, but I have finished study all the tips and tools from the training center. I'm now starting my first sale with clickbank. Any tip or suggestion for me for a starter? I would like to know some technique that generate you that much income.

What product should I be looking into and such. Feel free to send me a private message

