Author MarionBlack
Rank 45528

In this video I'm going to walk you through transferring a domain name from GoDaddy to Wealthy Affiliate SiteDomains.

This has nothing to do with DNS or changing the name servers.

It's for when you've bought a domain name at GoDaddy and you want to transfer the registration of your domain name to take advantage of all that WA has to offer as a domain name registrar.

One of our members, Tulsan, has suggested that I add this to the tutorial:

Before transferring on the GoDaddy side you MUST disable domain protection and privacy (if you paid for those services when originally registering the domain) - BOTH. If you don't and you start a transfer it will be automatically refused - you will get an email from GoDaddy. This causes the transfer on the WA side to get stuck.... And there isn't a way for you to update the Auth code to restart or to cancel the transfer and re do it.

Thanks for watching.

As always, I'm here to help you.

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MisterWailor Premium
Thanks Marion.
MarionBlack Premium
You're very welcome.
DarleneB Premium Plus
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw what your tutorial was about. One of my domain names at, GoDaddy, is up for renewal in June. Now I'll know how to transfer it without messing things up. Thank You So Much, Marion. You're the best.
MarionBlack Premium
Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to change over before the renewal is due.
DarleneB Premium Plus
ok I will, thanks.
BeingGreat Premium
Do you have any instructions from I've had my favorite domain name there for 15 years. They are also expensive. Every time I try an transfer they make it so complicated that I give up
MarionBlack Premium
It seems all registrars make it look harder than it is. I persevered with moving from GoDaddy. I wasn't easy trying to figure it out from their "help" but once I did it I thought I'd better share.

The steps for moving from register dot com should be similar so keep trying.
dianegailit Premium
Marion, do you know if it would work the same for Host Gator?
Ursulla Premium
This is the training for transferring from Hostgator:
dianegailit Premium
Thank you, Ursulla!!
MarionBlack Premium
Every registrar is different. They all should have help files and/or videos, just some of them make the move seem harder than it is.
AlexSol Premium
It should be similar.
dianegailit Premium
Thank you, Alex :-)
Dmorrow Premium
Thanks Marion. The next time I see this question from a newbie I'll know where to look to help them!
MarionBlack Premium
Did you bookmark it?
Dmorrow Premium
No, I've just started pulling up your name first for these kinds of things when someone needs help - you're one of my top "go to" people Marion! Sorry for the late reply - I've been without my computer all week!
MarionBlack Premium
I feel your pain. I had a hard drive crash recently :(
Dmorrow Premium
I know, I remember thinking "how horrible" and then just a few days later it happened to me! UGH!